Siemens FLN Installation Instructions Download Page 2

Document No. 545-433 
Installation Instructions  
Rev. 4, September, 2002 

Information in this publication is based on current specifications. The company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and 
models as design improvements are introduced. Other product of company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their 
respective owners. © 2002 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. 

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. 
1000 Deerfield Parkway 
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-4513 

Your feedback is important to us. If you have 
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Document No. 545-433 

Printed in the U.S.A. 

Page 2 of 2 




Figure 3.  Memory Board Replacement. 

4.  Simultaneously pry open both memory board card 

ejectors and carefully slide the board out of the 
memory board cover slots (Figure 3). 

5.  With the memory board connector facing the 

controller board, gently slide the upgrade board 
into the memory board cover slots until the board 
is firmly seated. 

6.  Simultaneously push down on the card ejectors to 

lock the memory board in place. 

7.  Return the controller board to its fully installed 

position by pushing the memory board cover until 
both standoffs snap into position. 

8.  Turn ON the FLN controller board power. 

9.  Reload the database. 

The installation is now complete. 

