PXL Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel
Components of the Expanded PXL System
The addition of the following components to the Basic PXL System
can expand the PXL Control Panel to its maximum configuration of
36 Initiating Device Circuits, 16 Notification Appliance Circuits, 3
dedicated Form C relays, and 32 user-defined Form C relays:
PZE-4B Zone Expander modules (up to a maximum of 6
PNC-2Z Notification Appliance Circuit modules (up to a maxi-
mum of 4 modules)
PRM-4 Relay modules (up to a maximum of 8 modules)
PSE-2 Enclosure
An additional PPS-10M Power Supply and PTX-12 Transformer
can be added to the system locally at the main control.
Batteries, which must be purchased separately, that are capable
of supplying all power necessary to operate the PXL and supply
1 amp aux24 VDC and up to 10 amps of NAC current at
24 volts when in alarm.
Both the Auxiliary current and the NAC current together
cannot exceed 10 Amps.
RSA-DRIV/RSA-16 Remote System annunciators and control
units (up to a maximum of 6 may be installed in the system; 3
primaries and 3 mirrors)
LED-3/-4 eight-zone indicator module (up to 10 LED-3/-4 mod-
ules may be installed in the system; 5 primaries and 5 mirrors)
PZC-4D Zone Converter module for converting the Initiating
Device Circuits of either the PCM-1 or PZE-4B from Class B/
Style B to Class A/Style D (up to a maximum of 8 modules)
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