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Fire & Security Products
Siemens Building Technologies Group



Conceptions and abbreviations


Operating terminal


Control module


Branching module (with max. 4 stub lines per DC1135)


Control module


Input / output module


Electromagnetic compatibility


Electromagnetic influence


Fire detection system


Fire detection system control unit


Explosion hazard area

Extra low voltage

Voltage <50V

Low voltage

Voltage <1000V


Shunt-Zener-Diode barrier

Summary of Contents for CERBERUS AlgoRex AnalogPLUS DC1135

Page 1: ...ions are not integrated in this document CERBERUS AlgoRex Installation guidelines for fire detection systems collective interactive AnalogPLUS Planning and realization Fire Security Products Siemens Building Technologies Group ...

Page 2: ...thereof in full or in part nor to make them available to any third party without our prior express written authorization nor to use it for any purpose other than for which it was delivered to him Nous nous réservons tous les droits sur ce document ainsi que sur l objet y figurant La partie recevant ce document reconnaît ces droits et elle s engage à ne pas le rendre accessible à des tiers même par...

Page 3: ...planning symbols 2 1 2 Basic wiring layout of a fire detection system 4 1 3 Fire detection system line network 5 2 Installation 13 2 1 General 13 2 2 Installing the equipment 14 2 3 Wiring check 17 3 Commissioning 18 4 System documentation 18 5 Acceptance test and handing over the system to the customer 18 ...

Page 4: ...II Fire Security Products Siemens Building Technologies Group 12 2001 ...

Page 5: ...ation of the fire detection system They are not listed here Explosion proof detectors and line network For detailed information concerning planning installation and commissioning of systems in explosion hazard areas see document e1204 Fire detection systems in explosion hazard areas This document is intended for planning engineers in all national sales organiza tions Local standard practices regul...

Page 6: ... Visual audible alarm device Model Door magnet Model External control relay Fire control installation Signal display panel of actuation of extinguishing Model Extinguishing system valve Response indicator Visual signal transmitter Model Audible alarm device Model Signalling e g mimic panel terminal etc Model Fire detection system control unit Model Automatic alarm transmitter for extinguishing sys...

Page 7: ...module DC1135 Branching module with max 4 stub lines per DC1135 DC1154 Control module DC1152 Input output module EMC Electromagnetic compatibility EMI Electromagnetic influence FDS Fire detection system FDC Fire detection system control unit Ex Explosion hazard area Extra low voltage Voltage 50V Low voltage Voltage 1000V SB Shunt Zener Diode barrier ...

Page 8: ...low voltage 16 30VDC Low voltage 110 240VAC Alarm device line Line to control and indication terminal Door magnet line Control unit CC CI Line to remote transmission system for alarms and faults Detection line Fire control installation Mains supply 110 240VAC Fuse CT Door magnet line CC CI FDC Fig 3 Basic fire detection system layout ...

Page 9: used Twisted cable is preferred and is sometimes essential In order to ensure alarm activation in any situation we recommend cables which are fire resistant over a longer period 1 3 4 Existing line networks These networks can be basically used if capacitances line and insulation resistances comply with the data specified 1 3 5 Explosion hazard areas For explosion hazard areas comply with the gu...

Page 10: ...ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Generally recommended ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Shielded twisted min 7 turns ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Essential in areas where EMI is critical e g X ray rooms radar systems transmitter stations proximity to thy ristor controls etc ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Non twisted ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Cable in existing systems can...

Page 11: ...2001 ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ HD HD HD HD HD HD HD FDC FDC HB HB HB Ex Detection line Response indicator line FDC FDC FDC HD HD L4 L6 FDC L7 FDC L5 L8 24V Ground floor HD false ceiling HB raised floor FDC Fire detection system control unit DC1192 SB Fig 5 Collective wiring ...

Page 12: ...ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Generally recommended ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Shielded twisted min 7 turns ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Essential in areas where EMI is critical e g X ray rooms radar systems transmitter stations proximity to thyristor controls etc ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Non twisted ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Uti...

Page 13: ...echnologies Group 12 2001 FDC FDC Ground floor Loop line Stub line HD false ceiling HB raised floor FDC Fire detection system control unit L2 ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ HD HD HD HD HD HD HD HB HB HB Ex DC1135 HD HD L2 DC1192 SB 24V Fig 7 AnalogPLUS wiring ...

Page 14: ...omputer rooms etc ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Twisted min 10 turns generally preferred cable ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Essential in areas where EMI is critical e g X ray rooms radar systems transmitter stations proximity to thyristor controls etc ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Shielded twisted min 10 turns ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Ess...

Page 15: ...g Technologies Group 12 2001 L2 L2 ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ HD HD HD HD HD HD HD FDC FDC HB HB HB Ex DC1192 HD HD Ground floor SB 24V Loop line Stub line HD false ceiling HB raised floor FDC Fire detection system control unit Fig 9 Interactive wiring ...

Page 16: ...w voltage Standard installation cable as required by country concerned Cable fed into equipment as well as internal wiring must be in compliance with the instal lation documents for the equipment cable separation 1 3 13 Interfaces to non Cerberus systems Remote transmission equipment or danger management systems mounted separately from the control unit must be wired according to the corresponding ...

Page 17: Only insert fire detectors control unit modules etc when commissioning the system 2 1 3 Installation documentation The following installation documentation must be provided by the planner for correct installation Ground plans with equipment locations drawn in and or Lists of equipment indicating the location of equipment Block diagrams with the architecture of the supply network Connection diag...

Page 18: space be neath the detector for test purposes Detector bases must lie flat on the ceiling do not mount on bumps or hollows concrete ridges etc Concrete ridge Fig 10 Detector base mounted on concrete ridge distorted detector base system fault Fire detectors must be easily accessible for regular servicing The response indicator in the base must be easily visible from the alarm investigation rou...

Page 19: ...ation systems Pressure compensation also arises through the cable conduit which to some extent causes powerful air currents behind the base This prevents smoke from properly enter ing the detector Smoke Air current Recess box Fig 12 Smoke is prevented from properly entering the detector if the rubber membrane is not mounted air tight ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Fig ...

Page 20: ...y one wire must be connected per terminal Auxiliary terminals are available for multiple connections see connection diagram on product enclosure sheet 2 2 5 Earth connection The control unit and terminal with power supply must be earthed according to local regu lations The other equipment in a normal fire detection system does not require an earth con nection Shielded cables must be earthed in a s...

Page 21: ...eted connect the end of the line at the control unit to the DZB1191 The line is measured from the control unit to the first detector If present connect the return wire and test If all measurements are OK the detection line is in order Remove the detector from the first base See document x1088 Operating instructions DZB1191 for further details It is also possible to install all bases and then test ...

Page 22: ... of documents must be provided for each correctly installed system with corresponding system disk For subsequent extensions the resistance and capacitance values for the detection lines must be recorded in system documentation 5 Acceptance test and handing over the system to the customer The acceptance procedure varies from country to country It can be done by an accep tance inspector or by the cu...

Page 23: ...Back 19 Fire Security Products Siemens Building Technologies Group 12 2001 ...

Page 24: ...ts Siemens Building Technologies Group 12 2001 Document no Edition e1453b 12 2001 Siemens Building Technologies AG CHC8708 Männedorf Alte Landstrasse 411 Tel Fax www cerberus ch 41 1 922 61 11 41 1 922 64 50 Manual DS11 Section 10 ...
