A01: Network frequency
A02: Average value of the phase-
to-phase voltages
A03: Total active power
A04: Average value of the power
The scale for displaying the frequency
must range from 45Hz to 65Hz. This
enables the standard frequencies in
countries where IEC and UL standards
apply to be displayed.
Example: 45Hz = 0 V/4mA and 65Hz
= 10V/20mA.
The scalings of the other measured
values can be read in the appropriate
switch positions.
Switch position “cos
The following measured values are
output in switch position “cos
A01: Power factor cos
A02: Power factor cos
A03: Power factor cos
A04: Phase unbalance - current (%)
The power factors are displayed from
0.7 (leading) (= 0V/4mA) through 1
(= 5V/12mA) to 0.7 (lagging) (= 10
V/20mA). The phase unbalance of the
three currents is displayed from 0%
(0V/4mA) to 50% (10V/20mA).
Ensure that the polarity is
correct during connection.
Test function
The test mode is started by pressing
the “TEST” key and indicated by the
yellow DEVICE LED. Although the
measured values continue to be
updated in the test mode, they are
not output at their respective
• The test mode is started by pressing
the “TEST” key.
• Pressing the “TEST” key again
selects output 1, which is
indicated by LED A01. The test
signal is output. For currents,
voltages, and power rating values,
this is equivalent to the full-scale
value, with cos
1 and with a
frequency of 55Hz.
• Pressing the key again selects
output 2, which is indicated by LED
A02. This automatically deletes the
value at output 1 and sets the value
at output 2.
• By repeating the above steps,
the output and scaling of all four
outputs can be checked one after
the other.
• Selecting output A04 and pressing
the “TEST” key activates all four
LEDs, but does not activate an
output. Pressing the key again
selects output 1 again.
• If the “TEST” key is not pressed
within 30 seconds after an output
has been selected, the system exits
the test mode automatically and
returns to the standard operating
mode. The values, which are
constantly updated in the
background, are then updated
at the outputs again.
Communication-capable Circuit Breakers
19.2V / 28.8V
63mA / 150mA
20k Ω
20 Ω / 250 Ω
0.74W / 5.4W
70mm / 86mm / 95mm
0.223 kg
-20°C / 60°C
Technical data for the analog output module
Operating voltage min. / max.
Operating current min. / max.
Min. resistance connected to voltage output
Resistance range for connection to current output - min./max.
Max. no. of analog output modules on one WL Circuit Breaker
Power loss min. / max.
Dimensions W / H / D
Temperature range
Table 2-21
This table provides technical data for the analog output module on the
WL Circuit Breaker
The analog channels are
selected using the Rotary
WL PROFIBUS Communication and Electronic Accessories • July 2004