Document No.: COM-00-05-16 June 2006, Revised June 2014
Version: C.1
On the First Configuration Menu, select the serial format to be changed. The Serial format
selection screen appears.
Figure 2-15. Serial Format Screen
To keep the current configuration, press
. If not, make a selection and press
To exit without making a change, select “Exit without making a change”.
When finished, the user will be returned to the First Configuration Menu. The new serial
format setting is displayed.
Prior to exiting the First Configuration Menu, select “Save changes then restart” to save
changes and restart the WAG.
Serial Telnet While in Genisys ATCS Mode
When the WAG is configured with a serial interface of either Genisys ATCS protocol (Office or
Field), any attempt to establish a TCP connection to the Serial Telnet port will be disallowed.
Such a connection attempt will cause the TCP connection to be established and then immediately
be disconnected. The TCP connection is allowed for a brief period of time to log that a
connection was attempted and disconnected.
TCP connections are disallowed to the WAG’s serial interface when the interface is configured for
Genisys because the assumption is that the interface is being used for important communications
to other serial devices. This prevents the operator from interfering with the communications
assumed to be taking place on the serial interface.
Serial Telnet While in HDLC Mode
When a TCP connection is attempted to the serial interface of a WAG that’s configured for HDLC,
if the WAG isn’t configured for Persistent Serial Tunnel, the WAG will immediately disconnect the
TCP connection.