7SG11 Argus User Manual
©2013 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
P20006 Page 15 of 37
Current at time of trip
The voltage at time of trip (certain Argus 2 models only)
Forward or reverse direction of current flow (directional relays only)
Elements which were active (above setting) at time of trip
Elements that operated for the trip to occur are indicated by <…> around the element
Example: -
Fault 1
<<<fault data>>>
where ‘fault data’ is: 25/02/01 17:25:51.2525 G1 PHASE A LS IDMTL <HS1> HS2 IA = 12.32xIn …
This information scrolls along the bottom line of the display.
This record can be viewed again later in the Fault Data displays. The five most recent faults are stored, with the
oldest being lost when a new fault occurs. The five faults are numbered from 1 to 5 with fault 1 being the most
2.1.4 Software Information
The identity of the software present in the Argus can be displayed as follows:
Ensure that the ‘Relay Identifier’ is displayed on the LCD (if necessary press the
key until it shows).
Press and hold the
key, then press the
key, then release the
key and
key together.
The software article numbers and revisions will now be displayed on the LCD. Press any key to return to the
‘Relay Identifier’.
2.1.5 Operation with Front Cover Fitted
When the clear plastic cover is fitted only the down (
) and right (
keys are accessible using
through-cover buttons. These buttons are recessed to prevent inadvertent operation of the keys.
Referring to
it can be seen that all areas of the menu can be accessed using the
keys but
that settings cannot be changed since the
key is not accessible. Counter instruments can be reset while
viewing them by pressing
then using
to confirm
2.2 Operation using Reydisp Evolution (IEC 60870-5-103
comms only)
Reydisp Evolution provides the means to achieve the following:
Get (upload) a settings file from the Argus
Download a settings file to the Argus
Change individual settings
Get the active group number
Set the active group number
Monitor for events and display them spontaneously
Upload the complete events file from the Argus
Clear the events file
Upload waveform records from the Argus
Trigger waveform recording
Clear waveform records
Continuously display instruments i.e. meters, counters, relay status, ARC status etc.
Get system data (hardware and software details) from the relay
Reset all flags
Send commands to the relay. Allows user to access the command set of the Argus which includes
synchronise the clock, change settings group, trip and close circuit breakers, enable and disable auto-reclose
functions and protection elements
The Reydisp Evolution software can be used with all Argus and Modular II protection relays supplied by Siemens
Protection Devices Limited.
Use of the Reydisp Evolution software is menu driven, with the settings, events, waveforms, instruments and
commands all being available in separate menus.
The settings are displayed in the same order as on the relay fascia.