TC45 AT Command Set
16.7 AT^SAIC
Page 381 of 461
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Microphone selection
Microphone 1
Microphone 2
Select differential earpiece amplifier
Selects the earpiece amplifier 1
Selects the earpiece amplifier 2
Selects both amplifiers. Note that both amplifiers are connected in parallel and
therefore, get the same output power if
• The
write command is usable only in audio modes 2 - 6. If
=1, any attempt to use the
write command returns "+CME ERROR: operation not allowed". This is because all default param-
eters in audio mode 1 are determined for type approval and are not adjustable.
• To allocate a specific audio mode to one of the audio interfaces, first select the audio mode with
and then choose the interface using
• During the start-up phase the setting of
is ignored. As a result, the module always starts with analog
input/output (
=2). To activate the digital audio interface, first select an audio mode other than 1 and then
• If the pins of the DAI (pins 4-8 available in group 1) shall be configured as GPIO, proceed as follows: First,
use the command
to start the General Purpose I/O driver, then use
to configure the pins.
Opening at least one of the pins 4-8 will already disable the DAI. To revert from GPIO usage to DAI usage,
simply close the pin(s) and the General Purpose I/O driver by using
again. After
this, all DAI settings can be made as described here.
To view the current configuration of the pins 4-8 you may also use the command
, but remember
cannot be used to change these pins.
• The factory defaults of
vary with the selected audio mode.
=1 or 4 or 5, then
=2 or 3 or 6, then
can be used to reset the factory defaults.
• The settings made with
can be stored to the audio profile set with
. However, note that
each time TC45 is restarted, audio mode 1 will be active by default. This requires to select the desired audio
mode first, simply by using
. Then, all audio settings saved with
will be available (including