IV432E Rev.01 SIEL S.p.A.
Installation and user manual
Date of issue: 2021-05-05
+ FR
3.7 Power cable connect
Once the equipment has been finally positioned and secured, connect the power cables as
described in the following procedure.
Verify the UPS is totally isolated from its external power source and also all power isolators of the
UPS are open. Check to see if they are electrically isolated and post any necessary warning signs to
prevent their inadvertent operation.
Remove the cover of terminals for wiring easily.
Single input version
Terminal sequence from left to right: Input phase A(L1), Input phase B(L2), Input phase
C(L3), Input Neutral line, Output phase Lo(L1), Output Neutral line No, Battery positive BAT+,
Battery Neutral BATN, Battery negative BAT-. There are 3 connectors of GROUND under the
terminal block.
Dual input version:
Terminal sequence from left to right: GROUND, Input phase Mains-L1(L1), Bypass phase
Bps-L, Input phase Mains-L2(L2), Input phase Mains-L3(L3), Input Neutral line mains-N,
Bypass Neutral line Bps-N, Output phase Output-L(L), Output Neutral line output-N, GROUND,
Battery positive BAT+, Battery Neutral BATN, Battery negative BAT-, GROUND.