A-opener 2.1
Before starting assembly, download the assembly and operating instructions for the A-opener
2.1 from our server (see below) and read these instructions completely. You must especially
follow the notes in the chapter "Safety".
Target group of this documentation
This documentation is intended for use by specialists only. All work described in this docu-
ment is to be performed only by experienced professionals with training and practice in the
installation, commissioning and maintenance of the A-opener 2.1, the AS 3500/3600 mul-
ti-point lock and their individual components.
Intended use (Excerpt)
The A-opener is an upgrade for the AS 3500/3600 multi-point lock and is used for motorised
unlocking. The AS 3500/3600 multi-point lock with A-opener 2.1 is suitable for installation in
timber, aluminium, steel and PVC entry doors for residential and public buildings.
The AS 3500/3600 multi-point lock with A-opener 2.1 may only be used
with cylinder locks with a free-running catch in which the catch can always be freely turned
with cylinder locks with a rigid catch in which the catch is locked in a key removal position
inside the range of 30° to 30°
The AS 3500/3600 multi-point lock with A-opener 2.1
can be combined with an external access control system via a voltage-free contact
may only be used in vertical installation, in doors which are permanently installed
may only be used in a technically sound condition and with the original accessories from
Improper use (excerpt)
The AS 3500/3600 multi-point lock with A-opener 2.1 must not be used
for escape doors in accordance with EN 179 or EN 1125
in doors for wet rooms or rooms in which the air contains aggressive or corrosive compo-
The cable length between power supply and the AS 3500/3600 multi-point lock with A-ope-
ner 2.1 must not exceed the length specified in the technical specifications of the assembly
instructions for the A-opener 2.1.
The AS 3500/3600 multi-point lock with A-opener 2.1 must not be interfered with or modi-
None of the locking elements may be excluded when the door is open.
Safety notes
All work on a 230 V AC mains power supply may only be performed by a qualified
For routing the network connection cable on site, first establish an all-pole safety isolation.
Some external access control systems available on the market transmit a brief "open" signal
when the operating voltage is switched on. This can mean that the AS 3500/3600 multi-point
lock will open. If in doubt, please contact the system manufacturer.
If energy-carrying cables are routed in parallel to data cables (ISDN, DSL, etc.), this
could lead to interference e.g. in the speed of the data transmission. We recom-
mend that you use the shielded KFV cable. See: Product catalogue KFV GENIUS and
You will find the assembly and operating instructions here:
or under the adjacent QR Code.
Window systems
Door systems
Comfort systems