Operating Instructions
© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved
Subject to change without notice
13.3 List of tables
Tab. 1: Maximum protective field dimensions as a function of the resolution..................9
Tab. 2: Overview on disposal by components ................................................................ 11
Tab. 3: Permissible restart interlock configurations on the V200/V300........................ 15
Tab. 4: Meaning of the status LEDs of the V200/V300................................................. 16
Tab. 5: Meaning of the diagnostics LEDs....................................................................... 17
Tab. 6: Protective field dimensions allowed for a rectangular protective field at a
Tab. 7: Protective field dimensions allowed for a rectangular protective field at a
Tab. 8: Protective field dimensions allowed for a rectangular protective field at a
Tab. 9: Length of the unmonitored area in the case of mounting in a frame................. 24
Tab. 10: Pin assignment system connection V200/V300................................................ 32
Tab. 11: Starting the teach-in process ............................................................................. 44
Tab. 12: Meaning of the diagnostics LEDs during teach-in .............................................. 45
Tab. 13: LED displays after teach-in................................................................................. 45
Tab. 14: Indications on completion of the teach-in .......................................................... 51
Tab. 15: Data sheet V200/V300...................................................................................... 52
Tab. 16: Part numbers safety camera systems................................................................ 58
Tab. 17: Part numbers accessories.................................................................................. 59
13.4 List of illustrations
Fig. 1: Operating principle of the V200/V300............................................................... 12
Fig. 2: Hazardous point protection with one V200/V300, mounting in the frame
Fig. 3: Hazardous point protection with one V200/V300, mounting on the frame
Fig. 4: Hazardous point protection with two V200/V300, placement in opposite
Fig. 5: Hazardous point protection with two V200/V300, placement at corner
Fig. 6: Outline drawing of the protective operation ....................................................... 14
Fig. 7: Status LEDs of the V200/V300.......................................................................... 16
Fig. 8: Diagnostics LEDs of the V200/V300 ................................................................. 17
Fig. 9: Minimum distance from the hazardous point .................................................... 20
Fig. 10: Avoiding unmonitored areas due to mounting on a frame................................. 24
Fig. 11: Dangerous mounting mistake: maximum protective field width exceeded........ 25
Fig. 12: The correct installation (above) must eliminate the errors (below) reaching
over, reaching under and standing behind......................................................... 26
Fig. 13: Example: mounting with sliding nuts on different thickness profiles ................. 27
Fig. 14: Example: mounting with clamping lugs on different thickness profiles.............. 27
Fig. 15: Mounting in a frame........................................................................................... 28