O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | T - E A S I C
8023072/1E22/2022-02-23| SICK AG
Subject to change without notice
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Configuration of pulse output Q2
The pulse output is used to specify the flow rate for which an output pulse is issued.
The pulse width can be specified in the “Pulse Width” field (duration of a pulse in ms).
The pulse valency can be specified in the “Pulse Valency” field (definition of the volume
that generates a pulse in 0.1L).
Pulse Width = 50 ms
Pulse Valency = 1 L
When the volume reaches 1 L, a pulse with a duration of 50 ms is generated.
The pulse width should be set as short as possible and as long as necessary so that
the device/controller connected to the digital output still recognizes the pulse. When
the configured pulse valency is reached, a pulse is output at the digital output.
If the pulse valency specified by the user is too low, the pulse repetition rate may
increase too much, thereby causing the sensor to output too few pulses. In this case,
the sensor shows the warning "Q2 PulseConfig" on the display.
Parameterization: Pulse Valency = 0.1 L
Pulse Width = 1,000 ms
Measured Flow Rate = 60 L/min
Result: 600 pulses/min, but since one pulse needs 2,000 ms (1,000 ms pulse
+1,000 ms pause), max. 30 pulses per minute are possible. A warning message
1. Use the arrow keys (left/right) to select
Q2 Mode
2. Use the arrow keys (up/down) to select
Volume Pulse output
3. Use the right arrow key to select
Q2 Pulse Width
4. Increase or decrease the value using the arrow keys (up/down).
5. Use the right arrow key to select
Q2 Pulse Valency
6. Increase or decrease the value using the arrow keys (up/down).