Operating Instructions
Product description
SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved
Impacts on the reading quality
The image/reading quality of the ICD890 Camera is affected by the resolution across the
direction of transport (pixel resolution, dpi) and the resolution in the direction of transport
(line resolution, lpi). A quadratic resolution is selected in the default setting (dpi = lpi).
Max. pixel resolution across the direction of transport
The pixel resolution across the direction of transport depends on the reading distance to the
shows the curve gradient for the standard 135 mm (5.32 in) lens and the
CCD with 8,192 pixels.
Max. line resolution in the direction of transport
The line resolution in the direction of transport depends on the conveyor speed.
shows the curve gradient for the standard 135 mm (5.32 in) lens and the CCD with 8,192
pixels with a max. line rate of 19.1 kHz.
Fig. 3-15:
Pixel resolution across the direction of transport (standard device, 135 mm (5.32 in) lens)
Resolution on
the objec
CCD line
dpi = dots per inch
Reading distance (mm)
Fig. 3-16:
Line resolution in the direction of transport (standard device, 8,192 pixels CCD sensor)
Conveyor speed (m/s)
Resolution on
the object (lpi)
CCD line
lpi = line per inch