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Wartezeit für Codeanhänge (Add-on wait mode)
Wird angewendet, wenn die Option UPC/EAN mit An-
hang (UPC/EAN with add-on) gewählt ist.
Das Gerät sucht innerhalb der gewählten Zeitdauer
nach einem gültigen Codeanhang. Findet er einen
gültigen Codeanhang, gibt das Gerät sofort die Daten
(Code + Codeanhang) aus. Findet das Gerät hinter
dem UPC/EAN-Code nichts oder keinen gültigen Code-
anhang, gibt es die Daten nach Ablauf der Zeitdauer
ohne Codeanhang aus.
Read mode options
The following read modes are available:
Single read
When a bar code has been decoded, the device will
be turned OFF. The device must be triggered again to
read another label. This option and “Disable trigger”
can not be programmed at the same time.
Multiple read
When a bar code has been decoded, the device will
stay ON for a time as set by “Read time options” or
indefinitely if the trigger switch has been disabled. The
same label can only be decoded again after the label
has not been detected for a number of scans.
Continuous read
The device will produce as much data as it can de-
code regardless whether it is the same or not. This
mode is mainly used for demonstration and diagnosis.