Operating Instructions
CLV 490 Bar Code Scanner
8 009 993/O824/20-12-2004
SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved
Overview: Autofocus functions
shows a 3D example of how the autofocus area of the CLV is adjusted using the
parameters "Limit values: scan angle limitation" and "Limit value: autofocus space".
If the required focus positions determined by the CLV are outside the defined autofocus
area limits, the focus positions are not switched over (not even to the limit values).
Autofocus mode
Minimum distance
Differential background
Differential background
and tracking
Only one object in the reading
field during reading interval
Only one object in the reading
field during reading interval
Serveral objects in the reading
field during reading interval
1. Limitation values:
autofocus limitation
2. Limitation values:
scan angle limitation
Oscillating mirror:
3. Limitation values:
oscillating angle limitation
4. Limitation values:
autofocus space
5. Teach-in background
6. Scanner position parameters:
angle alpha, beta, gamma
7. Scanner position parameters:
coordinates x, y, z
8. Tracking:
Configure the mode
(OTS trigger or internal tracking)
9. Tracking parameters:
Focus release point
10.More than on bar code
per object:
Min. and max. number of codes
: required
: optional
not required
Table 6-7: Configuring the autofocus function (part 2)
Fig. 6-3:
Narrowing the autofocus range using limit values
Autofocus space
Scan angle limitation
Result: Autofocus area