Shenzhen YuanTe Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: 86-755-26722925 Fax: 86-755-85258143 Web
Operation Interface
When the detector is turned on completely, the device will enter the detecting interface. Four or three or two
detected gases will be showed on the screen (for example: O2, CO, H2S, EX). Time and battery power will be
showed at the top right. When the alarm is on, there will be a “B” at the left bottom which means “BEEP-ON”, if
the alarm is off then there will be no “B”. When the pump is on, there will be a “P” at the right bottom, while if
the pump is off, the “P” will not be showed.
Alarm Status
When the detected gas concentration is lower than the low alarm value, the relative gas value will be
highlighted, and the alarm sound will be on, blue light will be flickered.
When the detected gas concentration is high than the high alarm value, the relative gas value will be
highlighted, and the alarm sound will be on, red light will be flickered.
When there is low alarm and high alarm at the same time, both relative gas values will be highlighted, and high
alarm will take the priority.
Low Battery Alarm
When the battery is low, there will be sound, light low battery alarm. There will be sound and light every 5
seconds to remind the user to charge the device in time. When the battery is used up, the device will be turned
off automatically.
Alarm Setting
Press “Menu”, choose the “Alarm”, and start to set the alarm value.
There are 3 options under the alarm setting mode. The first option is the “channel”, there will be 4 channels for
4 in 1 multi gas detector.
Channel choose:
press “ON/OFF” button, the cursor will be at the channel number, then press the “PLUS”
button to choose the channel, press the “ON/OFF” button to confirm.
Alarm setting:
The second option is the low alarm value, and the third option is the high alarm value. Choose
the option that you want to change, then press “ON/OFF” to confirm, then press the “PLUS” and “MINUS” to
increase or decrease the value, press the “MENU” to move cursor. After the setting is done, press “ON/OFF”
button to save the settings.
Storage set
Press the MENU, choose HIST, then you can get in the storage interface. There are three options in the
storage set.
1. CYC: it is the storage time interval, when you set the time, the detector will start to record the data. The
time interval can be 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, etc. The highest interval is 1 hour. If you don’t
want to record the data, please set the interval 0000.
2. VIEW: at the top is the total record number, if you press MINUS, then the record data will be from the first