Initial Consideration
................................................... 1
Parts in the Box - 24v DC RTS
.................................. 2
Parts in the Box - 24v DC 485
.................................... 3
Spacer Blocks and Leveling Shims
........................ 4
Pre-wire 24v DC RTS
.................................................. 5
Pre-wire 24v DC 485
................................................... 6
Power Wire distance chart
........................................ 7
.................................................................... 8 - 16
24v DC RTS
Running ........................................................................17
Programming ..............................................................18 - 19
Pairing another RF Remote ......................................20
24v DC 485
Programming with SIFI .............................................21 - 24
Programming with Limit Setting Tool.....................25 - 27
Programming with USB Programming cable........28- 29
Control with 3rd Party - (Wet Contact) - Fontus...30 - 31
Control with 3rd Party - (Dry Contact) - Fontus 32 - 33