Boot Up Floppy Seek
Enabled tests floppy drives to determine whether they have 40 or 80 tracks
The choice: Enabled or Disabled.
Boot Up NumLock Status
Selects power on state for NumLock.
The choice: Off or On.
Gate A20 Option
This entry allows you to select how the Gate A20 is handled. The gate
A20 is a device used for above 1MByte of address memory. Initially, the
gate A20 was handled via a pin on the keyboard. Today, while a key-
board still provides this support, it is more common and much faster in
setting to fast for the system chipset to provide support for gate A20.
The choice: Normal or Fast.
Security Option
Select whether the password is required every time the system boots or
only when you enter setup.
System The system will not boot and access to Setup will be denied
if the correct password is not entered promptly.
The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the
correct password is not entered promptly.
The choice: System or Setup.
Note : To disabled security, select PASSWORD SETTING at Main
Menu, and then you will be asked to enter password. Don't
type anything and just press <Enter>; it will disable security.
Once the security is disabled, the system will boot, and you
can enter Setup freely.
Via the routing, I/O APIC support a total of 24 interrupts. We recommend
to choose [Enabled] for Windows XP and Windows 2000.
The choice: Enabled or Disabled.
MPS Version Control For OS
Selects the operating system multiprocessor support version.
The choice: 1.1 or 1.4