Wifi Antennas Installation (optional) Wifi 天線安裝 (選配)
Take the antennas out of the accessory box.
Screw the included antennas on the appropriate
connector at the rear case.
Make sure it is aligned vertically or horizontally
to achieve the best possible signal reception.
了垂直或水平方向, 以達到最佳的信號接收。
Powering on the system 開啟系統電源
1. Connect the power
to a wall outlet.
2. Place the magnetic keychain against the
power switch for 1 seconds and remove it,
then the power status LED will start to blink
for 2 seconds and turn on the system.
Repeat the steps above to turn off the system.
並移開它, 然後電源狀態指示燈將開
Counter mount and Handle Installation (optional) 台面和把手安裝 (選配)
1. As shown, install the counter mount and secure with the four screws.
如圖所示, 安裝台面, 並鎖上四顆螺絲固定。
Counter Mount 100 x 100 mm
Screws M6 x 12L * 4pcs
台面安裝 100 x 100 公釐
螺絲 M6 x 12L * 4顆
How to use the Touch Panel 如何使用觸控螢幕
The touch of your finger replaces the input devices
and is all you need to operate the Kiosk.
啟動 Kiosk 之後, 只需用手指取代一般的滑鼠游標
Cleaning the screen: Turn off the
system and disconnect all cables.
Use a cleaning cloth which is soft,
lint-free and a little damp to gently
wipe the screen surface. Do not
spray liquids directly onto the device.
清潔螢幕: 關閉系統並且將所有的電源
Connector for wifi antennas
Wifi 天線連接埠
VESA mounting to the wall (optional) 吊掛於牆上 (選配)
The standard VESA openings show where an arm / wall
mount kit which is available separately can be attached.
符合標準 VESA 規格, 可以將您所購買的
VESA 壁 / 臂支架輕鬆安裝到 VESA 標準螺孔中。
The K21 series can be wall-mounted
using a VESA compatible 100 x 100 mm
wall / arm bracket.
The maximum load capacity is 25 kg
and mounting suitable in heights of ≤ 2 m only.
K21 series 可使用與 VESA 兼容的 100 x 100 mm
壁 / 臂支架進行壁掛式安裝。
最大負載能力為 25 kg, 僅適合在 ≤2 m 的高度安裝。
Le Série K21 peut être fixé au mur ou à un
bras à l’aide d’un support VESA 100 x 100 mm.
Le support doit être conçu pour une charge
d’au moins 25 kg et ne doit pas être situé à
plus de 2 m de hauteur.
Screws M6 x 12L * 4pcs
螺絲 M6 x 12L * 4顆
Pole mount (optional)
桿式底座 (選配)
Handle 把手
Power cord (optional) 電源線 (選配)
1. 100-240V, 50-60Hz, 1.5A for System
2. 100-240V, 50-60Hz, 1.6A for Print
2. As shown, install the left and right (a, b)
handles on the both sides of rear case
and secure with the four screws.
Gently push the four rubber cover into the four screw holes until it properly sits in place.
如圖所示, 將左右把手 (a, b) 安裝在機箱後背蓋的兩側, 並鎖上四顆螺絲固定。
輕壓四個橡膠蓋於四個螺絲孔中, 直至其正確就位。
If you want to move the Kiosk, please use the left and right (a, b) handles on the machine and
the handle (c) on the pole base to assist in the operation. Do not pull the white front frame parts
to avoid structural damage caused by uneven force on the left and right sides of the Kiosk.
欲移動 Kiosk 請利用機台上的左右把手 (a, b) 及桿式底座上的把手 (c) 輔助操作,
請勿拉扯白色前框部件, 避免 Kiosk 左右受力不均造成結構受損。
Incorrectly replacing the battery may damage this computer. Replace only with the same or equivalent as recommended by Shuttle. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
更換電池方式錯誤可能會損壞本電腦以及引發爆炸、火災或其他危險。僅能依Shuttle的建議, 以相同或同等的電池更換。請依照製造商的使用說明處理廢電池。
Warning: This is Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
警語: 這是甲類產品。在家庭環境中, 本產品可能會造成無線電干擾, 在這種情況下, 用戶可能需要採取適當的措施。
The unit can be operated at an ambient temperature of max. 35°C (95°F).
Do not expose it to temperature below 5°C (41°F) or above 35°C (95°F).
本產品最高操作溫度為 35°C (95°F)。請勿在低於 5°C (41°F) 或高於 35°C (95°F) 的環境中使用本產品。
1.警語 (於產品本體、說明書及外包裝標示): 使用過度恐傷害視力。
2.注意事項 (於產品說明說及外包裝標示): (1) 使用30分鐘請休息10分鐘。
(2) 2歲以下幼兒不看螢幕, 兩歲以上每天看螢幕不要超過1小時。
Stability of equipment 設備的穩定性
- Do not place the product in an unstable location. 勿置放產品於不穩固之位置
- Arrange the wires and cables connected to the product to prevent tripping, pulling or entanglement.
將連接至產品之電線及電纜加以整理, 使其不至發生絆倒, 拉扯或纏繞
- Make sure the product does not hang over the edge of the supporting furniture. 確保產品不會懸垂於支撐傢俱之邊緣
- Do not place the product on supporting furniture higher than 1 meter. 勿放置產品在高於1公尺之支撐傢俱上
- Do not place objects that attract children to climb, such as toys. 勿放置吸引兒童攀爬之物, 如: 玩具
Kiosk is recommended to be used in an indoor environment to avoid exposure to a humid environment. If it is not used for a long time, it is recommended to be moisture-proof to avoid affecting the life of the appliance;
if it is in a humid environment, it is normal to produce a little fog in front of the screen. It can be automatically eliminated after a period of normal use.
Kiosk 建議使用於室內環境, 避免暴露在潮濕的環境下, 長時間不使用的情形下, 建議做好防潮避免影響電器壽命; 若處於潮濕的環境下, 開機後在螢幕前方產生一些微霧氣為正常現象, 在正常使用一段時間後即可自動消除。
− for PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible. 對插接式之設備, 插座必須接近安裝之地點而且是易於觸及的。
− That all power sources shall be disconnected before servicing to avoid shock hazard. 在維修之前應斷開所有電源, 以避免電擊危險。