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Load Fail-Safe Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item, you will get a confirmation
dialog box with a message similar to:
Load Fail-Safe Defaults (Y/N) ? N
Pressing 'Y' loads the BIOS default values for the most stable, minimal
performance system operations.
Load Optimized Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item, you will get a confirmation
dialog box with a message similar to:
Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N) ? N
Pressing 'Y' loads the default values that are factory-set for optimal
performance system operation.
Set Supervisor/User Password
Steps to set supervisor/user password are described as follows:
New Password Setting:
1. While pressing <Enter> to set a password, a dialog box appears to
ask you enter a password.
2. Key in a new password. The password can not exceed eight charac-