EC Series Wireless Systems User Guide
Shure Brothers Incorporated
222 Hartrey Avenue
Evanston IL 60202-3696 U.S.A.
27A8435 (PA)
1996, Shure Brothers Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
The Shure EC Series wireless microphone systems are confi-
gurable, single-channel systems operating in the VHF band be-
tween 169.445 MHz and 216.100 MHz. All EC systems feature
state-of-the-art, phase-locked loop (PLL) digital frequency control
to generate an exceptionally clean, low-noise signal. This built-in
frequency control makes EC systems ideal for installations where
multiple wireless systems are to be used. The PLL frequency con-
trol circuit is also programmable, so any factory-authorized techni-
cian can change the carrier frequency of any EC transmitter and re-
Each EC wireless system consists of a handheld EC2
Microphone-Transmitter or an EC1 Body-Pack Transmitter with a
lavalier microphone or a WA302 intrument adapter cable, and an
EC4 Receiver.
EC2 Hand-Held Microphone-Transmitter. The EC2 is a
hand-held microphone with a built-in transmitter. It features PLL
frequency control, an external antenna for increased range and
freedom from dropouts, superb frequency response, extended
dynamic range, an LED status indicator, rugged metal handle, and
heavy-duty grille with built-in pop filter. The EC2 is supplied in four
EC2/58, which includes the world-famous Shure SM58 cardioid
dynamic microphone.
EC2/87, which includes Shure’s SM87 supercardioid condenser
EC2/Beta 58, which features Shure’s premium supercardioid dy-
namic Beta 58 vocal microphone.
EC2/Beta 87, which features Shure’s premium supercardioid
condenser Beta 87 vocal microphone.
EC1 Body-Pack Transmitter. The EC1 features PLL frequency
control, extended dynamic range, a universal input, a battery test
light, noiseless muting, and a rugged case.
WL93A Micro-Lavalier Microphone: The WL93A is an
omnidirectional micro-lavalier electret condenser microphone
that plugs into the microphone input on the EC1 Body-Pack
Transmitter. It features smooth frequency response, low distortion
and low RF susceptibility. The WL93 can also be used as a pickup
for acoustic instruments such as guitar, woodwinds and strings.
The WL84 supercardioid lavalier is also available.
WA302 Instrument Adapter Cable: The WA302 instrument
adapter cable plugs into the EC1 Body-Pack Transmitter. It is de-
signed for use with electric guitar and other electric instruments.
EC4 Diversity Receiver. The EC4 features Shure’s exclusive
(MAximum Ratio Combining Audio Diversity) circuitry.
With MARCAD, the EC4 constantly monitors signals on each of
two receivers and combines them when both signals are usable.
The result is increased RF gain, improved reception, and excep-
tional freedom from dropouts. The EC4 also uses PLL frequency
control to lock onto a precise carrier frequency, reducing the possi-
bility of interference from local sources.
Operating Frequencies. Shure EC wireless systems are con-
figured to operate interference-free on one of 28 standard frequen-
cies. Frequency changes can be made by factory authorized ser-
vice personnel.
Multiple System Installations. Up to 15 EC Series systems
can be operated simultaneously in a single installation without in-
termodulation problems. However, each system must operate at
a different frequency.
Directional Sensitivity. The EC Series transmitters are omnidi-
rectional in the horizontal plane; that is, they radiate equal amounts
of RF energy in all directions. Similarly, the receiver antenna is
equally sensitive in all directions in the horizontal plane when
mounted vertically.
Operating Range. The recommended maximum operating
range for any EC system is 600 feet (182.8 meters), although suc-
cessful operation at up to 1000 feet (300 meters) is often accom-
plished. Conditions at the installation site (reflective surfaces, ob-
stacles, radio interference, etc.) will ultimately dictate the system’s
operating range.
Power Requirements. The EC4 receiver can be operated from
any filtered 12.5 to 18 Vdc, 200 mA power source. A separate 120
Vac adapter is included with each system. The EC2 and EC1 trans-
mitters operate on most 9 volt alkaline batteries. Battery life de-
pends on the type and brand of battery (Duracell MN1604 recom-