1. Main Interface:
DMX: 11
T: 19
Delay: 1.0s
First Line: DMX address, current pressure value
Second Line: inner core temp. delayed firing time
The working principle of the machine is when the firing is triggered, it takes some time (jet
delay) for the system to transfer and stimulate the consumables. When it reached the delayed
firing time, the valve will open automatically and firing activated
2. Error information:
3. Setting Menu:
Press “MENU” switch through setup menu.
Error information
E0 System IC
1. Emergency stop was executed when
firing was triggered, and firing stops. E0
disappear automatically 1min later
2. Too frequent firing in a short period of
time, E0 disappear 100s later
E1 Pump Protect
It happens when continuous pressurization
fail, probably the pump was malfunction
E2 Temp. Sensor
Temperature sensor is not connected or
E3 P Temp. Over
Chassis over-temperature
E4 Time Remain
Activated time for machine is not enough,
need to swap RFID card
E5 K Temp. Over
Inner core over-temperature
E6 Heat Fail
Heating fail, if recover automatically, please
pay attention to the power supply
Set DMX Address
Set DMX address.
If controlled by Host Controller, please set
DMX address as 1, 3, 5, 7,…2n-1, otherwise
it may leads to signal interference
Set Pressure
Adjust the pressure value, the higher the
pressure, the higher the effect; After
change the pressure please make a manual
clear to reset the pressure inside machine.
Manual Clear
Manual clear material. Please be careful, do
NOT close to the nozzle