It is absolutely essential that the fixture is kept clean and that dust, dirt and sm oke-fluid
residues m ust not buildup on or w ithin the fixture. O therw ise,
the fixtures light-output w ill
be significantly reduced. R egular cleaning w illnot only ensure the m axim um light-output,
but w ill also allow the fixture to function reliably throughout its life.A soft lint-free cloth
m oistened w ith any good glass cleaning fluid is recom m ended, under no circum stances
should alcohol or solvents be used!
D A N G E R :D isconnect from the m ains before starting anym aintenance w ork
The front objective lens w ill require w eekly cleaning as sm oke-fluid tends to building up
residues, reducing thelight-output very quickly.
The cooling-fans should be cleaned
The gobos m ay be cleaned w ith a soft brush.
The interior of the fixture should be cleaned at
least annually using a vacuum -cleaner or an air-jet.
The dichroic colour-filters, the gobo-w heel and the internal lenses should be cleaned
To ensure a proper function of the gobo-w heel , w e recom m end lubrication in six m onth
The quantity ofoil m ust not be excessive in order to avoid that oil runs out w hen
There are no serviceable parts inside the device except for the lam p and the fuse.Please refer
to the instructions under "Fitting/Exchanging the lam p".M aintenance and service
operations are only to be carried out by authorized dealers.
If the lam p burns out, the fine-w ire fuse of the device m ight
by a fuse of sam e typeand rating.B efore replacing the fuse, unplug m ains lead.
1) U nscrew the fuseholder on the rear panel of the base w ith a fitting screw driver from the
2) R em ove the old fuse from the fuseholder.
3) Install the new fuse in the fuseholder.