• The hardness of the stock you’re cutting.
If you’re working with hard maple, oak,
ash, cherry, hickory or other tough stock,
it may be necessary to make two or three
passes to produce your full profile with-
out burning or tear-out.
Performing these operations is basically the
same, whether you’re cutting an external
edge or an internal edge.
External edges
1. Set up your Overarm Router, following
the “General guidelines for overarm
routing” on page 18 in the front section
of this Manual and install the Bit of your
2. With your router motor turned off,
move the workpiece next to the Bit and
adjust your up-down depth-of-cut
In some cases, your lateral depth-of-cut
must also be adjusted to produce the pro-
file you desire. In the case of a bearing-pi-
loted Bit, this is accomplished by chang-
ing the size of the bearing. Most Bit manu-
facturers offer a variety of bearing pilots
with the same I.D. (internal diameter) and
differing O.D.’s (outside diameters). With
a solid-piloted Bit, the lateral depth-of-cut
cannot be altered.
3. Screw the 1/4" diameter Starter Pin into
the threaded Starter Pin hole in the Pin
Routing Table Insert and tighten it se-
4. Move the workpiece away from the Bit
area, turn on the motor and lock every-
thing in position to make your first pass.
Resting the external edge of your
workpiece against the Starter Pin, ease
it gradually into the rotating Bit to start
your cut. When the Bit pilot contacts the
workpiece edge, gradually rotate the
workpiece off the Starter Pin and con-
tinue to move the workpiece against the
rotation of the bit, pushing steadily
against the Bit Pilot, which now serves
as your guide. (See Figure 24). If a sec-
ond pass is required, repeat the proce-
dure until the desired profile is
Internal edges
To decorate the internal edges of projects, fol-
low steps one through three, as outlined
above . . . then move to step four below.
4. Move the workpiece away from the Bit
area, turn on the motor and lock every-
thing in position to make your first pass.
Resting the internal edge of your
workpiece against the Starter Pin, pull
it against the Pin. Maintain a steady
pulling force against the starter pin un-
til the Bit pilot contacts the workpiece
edge, then move it gradually off the
Starter Pin and against the rotation of
the Bit, as its pilot takes over as your
guide. If additional passes are required,
repeat this procedure until the desired
profile is achieved.
Figure 24. Cutting a decorative external
edge on an oval picture frame using a
solid pilot router bit.