Shoprider 889ERSF Owner'S Manual Download Page 6

Scooter Feature Guide 




Tlller'Scooter Controls 


Front Head Light




330rnmX IOOmmPheurna.tlcTyres


Adl.,.tabl• Width 

& Lift 

Up Armrest


Seat Swivel Lev-er


Saat Recline Adlustmem L�er


Foam Padd•d Multi Hand Pos,uon Ha,,dlo Bar 


Detaehabl• Shopping Basket


Dou bi• Pillow H,gh Back Adjustable Headrest

I I.  lnfinla, Anglo TIiier Ad



12. Suspension Front & Rear



Seat HolghtAdjusunont

14. Rear Lights

15. Battery Charger lnle t Port



Tltlel"Scooter Controls


Front H .. d Light


Ch.rorne Front Bumper Pad


330mmX I00mmTyros


Adjustabl• Width & LIii Up Armrest


Seat Swivel Lever


Seat Recline Adjustment Lever


Easy Clean Mufti P


sitJOn Handt• Bar


Detachable Shopping Basket


High Back WlthAdjustabl• Headrest


Infinite Angle TIiier Adjunment


SuSpension From & Rear 


Battery Charger lnle t Port

14. HeightAdjust:ment





e 4

Summary of Contents for 889ERSF

Page 1: ... UrlDDfncD ___ ______ ___ __ _ _ www shoprider cam au Scooter Owner s Manual www shoprider com au ...

Page 2: ...dfUStmetlU Fe 9 II Atmrest v eAdpstmeffl f t IO 11 II 5eru Red1M11 Mile F 12 II Adp 1stableRear SuspensiOn Ra 13 II SCOOTER11UER CONTROLS 12 SpeedCOAftols 12 Bane y U Y el lndkaoo r Gauge 12 li llrs 1l Ho n Il Thumb Fin Le er Conuols 12 OvOffKeySwitd Il lnd IGUOI Switch 1l Huard w itni aSwltch 12 Elecuom Bml 12 ROCKY6 ROCKY6GOLF ll 889SL ROCKY 11 AllRounder 889ERSf IS FREE WHEEL OPEIIATION FIG 14 ...

Page 3: 18 Curbs 18 M uimun u Weights 18 Ramp Anl I App t doc I 19 BATTERIES ANDBATTERY CHARGER 20 BatteryChatJe r 20 Chars 20 Pel iOdsofStorage 21 A ltl ne Tr lY f f 21 CARE MAINTENANCE 22 Wheelsa ndT res 22 Cleanln 22 Gener ScoOler l bincenanc 22 lubtleation 22 SeMc f 22 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE 23 Circu1t8J Nk r 23 Ch list 23 WARRANTY TERMS CONDITIONS 23 24 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 25 DISCLAIMER 25 3 ...

Page 4: ...the guidelines andlnnructlonsgiven Th s UsQr manual contains tho Operating lnstn iC bons for a number of ddferent SHOPRIDER sco0terS Pleaselocatethe sc ooterwhlch represenuthe model purchased Pleasecompletethelnfonnationbelowfor future reference SHOPRIDER Selllnt Dealer Scooter Model Numbecr Scooter SerlaJ Number Dat 9 of Purchase ATTENTION Thi s o w e 1 s manualIs pnnted based on the l a te St sp...

Page 5: ...lnrte Angle TfJler Adjus tment 12 SuspensionFront Rear 13 SeatHelghtAdjuStment 14 RaarUghts 15 BatteryChargerInletPort Figure 1 ROCKY6GOlf I Tltlel ScooterControls 2 Deluxe FrontHeadl lghtS 10 3 frontChrome Bumper Pad 4 300mmX 12OmmPn0umaucTyre1 5 AdjustableWidth HelghtArmresu 6 SeatSwivel Lever 7 SeatReclineAdjustmentLever 8 TBarHandle Bar 9 Detachable GollAceBasket 10 PaddedGaptalnsSeatWithAdjun...

Page 6: ...I lnfinla Anglo TIiier Adju unom 12 Suspension Front Rear 13 SeatHolghtAdjusunont 14 Rear Lights 15 BatteryChargerlnletPort ROCKY I Tltlel ScooterControls 2 FrontH d Light 3 Ch rorne FrontBumperPad 4 330mmX I00mmTyros 5 Adjustabl Width LIiiUpArmrest 6 SeatSwivelLever 7 SeatReclineAdjustmentLever 8 Easy Clean Mufti Po sitJOn Handt Bar 9 DetachableShoppingBasket 10 High BackS atWlthAdjustabl Headres...

Page 7: ...adrest 9 InfiniteAngle TiflerAdjusune nt 10 SuspensJon Front Rear 11 Batoory Charger InletPon 12 SeatSwivel Lever Figure 5 889ERSF I Ttlle rScootarConttols 2 Front Head Ught 3 BOmmX IOOmmlyres AdjustableWldtb LiltUpArmrest 5 SeatRecllneAdjustmentLever 6 Foam Padded Multi Hand Position Handle Bar 7 Der ic hableShopping Basket 10 8 High SackSeatWith Adjustable Headrest 9 TIiierAngleLeverLodt 10 Susp...

Page 8: ...sapproach curbsata 90degreeangle 3taslow speed Always stop fully before changingdJrection forward reverse Always proceed carefully whileriding espec alty asyooapproach thedowngradeof aramp or hitl Always proceed carefully wNledrivingon rough or unevenrurlaces Alwaysconsukyour phys cianif in anydoubt aboutyourability to operatethe scootersafely If equipped Neverremove thescootersAno Tq wheels Donot...

Page 9: ...ange transmitters andtransceivers such as convnercialbroadcasttransminers radio andTVbroadcastantenna rowers and amateur HAM radios NOTE Other types of hand Mid devices such ascord 1 ess phones laptop computers AM FM radtoS TV sets CD playen and casse tte players and small appliances such ase le ctric shaversand hair dryers so far as weknow are not likelyto cause problems to the scooter Scooter 1e...

Page 10: ...lling up on the lever allows the seat tosw ve 1 when re1easedtheseatwiU lock Imo oneol positions Straight 90 180 270 SeatRemovaJ fig 7 down the b Kk or the seat Putl up the swivel sear adjusunent feyer f ig 7 and ftseat off Remo ethehand knob a nd locbng pm thatsecurestheseat adaptor Liftthe seaudaptorout ortheseat post Seat Height Adjustment Fig 8 Remove seat as described above loosen the sear ti...

Page 11: ...mrest angleon the Rocky Goff Flip up thearmrest toallow access to theadjus unentbolt Tumthe bok either up or down toadjust theangle of the armren_ Ensureyou tigh tentheloc k1n nutat thebaseof the bolt Seat R ecliningAdjustment Fig 12 The redlningseatlel 8 r Is bcated on the left side below the armrestSimply pull thelever upcoadjust Thisfea rure allows the seat to be fokled down for uorage and ortr...

Page 12: ...eisa sticker on the til er toIndicatethe d rection that scooterwilltravel whentheW1gWag tSdepressed or pulled Theamount of pressureapplied to each le verwill determinethe speed thescooterwfll travel Release the lever and the scooterwill slowly come to anopandthedeccr omagneticbrake willbe applied On OffKey Switth Insertthe keyin to the keybarrel on the tiller Tumthe key and t hebattery indicator g...

Page 13: ...r Controls Battery L I Indicator continued Batte y Level Indicator Kay SWltch Tillec Angle Adjustment Lever ROCKY6 Spood Control Dr J TIiie_ Angle Adjustment Le liM Speed Contt0I Dial HVLowSp I Switch W gW f fo ward Lever Battery Charger Port WigWag forward Lever lndJcator Swnch Haz lrd UghtS ROCKY6GOLF 13 ...

Page 14: ...Switch WlgWag Reverse lever Battorylevol Indicator Hom Battory L ol lndlcuor Ho n Lights continued 889SL ROCKY4 11 Spood Control Dfal Adjustment Lever Speed Control Dial HVLowSpood Switch WlgW g Forward Lever Key Svmch Battory Cha r Port Kay Switch WlgWag fol Ward Lever Indicator Switch ...

Page 15: ...lcacor Horn Ho low Speed Switch WogWag Reverse Lever Ughu Batte y level lndator Hom Llgl ts continued AllRouuder 889ERSF 15 Spead Control Dial Speed Control Dial Battery Charger Port Kay Switch WigWag Forward Lever lndlcato Swite h Key Switch WigWag Forward Lever lndlaror Switch ...

Page 16: ...ngage die f ee Wheeling device after use F aiture to do so may result in Injury Do not re lease the free wheel fever on arr indne Anti Tip Wheels The and tip wheels are located at the rearorthe scooter frame The and op wheels are removable on some models The scootershoukl l IO beusedunlesstheanti tipsarefnted Please noc e No Ami Tip wheelsarefnted to anyof the Rockyseries Shoprider isnot responsib...

Page 17: ...tedspacessuch as adoorwayorwhenrumrngaround tum thetiller handleswhere youwant to go andthen apply power gently Thescoorerwill rumveryti hdy bot will st M movewith completenabi1ity aslongas the speed 1snot too high Oo not turn sharply a t high speed Reversing Before reversing ensure that the area behind is free from any hn ards or obstruecions Adjust yo1 r speed setting to a low setting before you...

Page 18: ... result in the scooter tippingove CAUTION Do not drive on raised surlaces with unprotected edges Do not dropoffcurbs ledges or stairs Maximum User Weight and Incline Angle Each Shoprider scooter has been manufacwred to h ave safo working limits for maximum user weight and inctineangle pleaseensure youreview the specifications for your model Appendix I md never exceedthesemaximumsat anytime Themaxi...

Page 19: ...g o 0 225kg RockyGOLF 12 20 100kg 9 15 125kg 6 10 150kg O 0 225kg 889SL 9 15 91kg 6 10 113kg O 0 ll6kg Rocky4 12 20 100kg 9 15 125kg 6 10 150kg 1 0 225kg AllRounder 12 20 70kg 9 15 91kg 6 10 lllkg r 0 159kg 889ERSF 11 20 9 Ikg 9 15 113kg 6 10 116kg O 0 159kg ...

Page 20: ...rior to first dmeuse Pnorcocharging please ensurethe key isrumedoff a nd removedfrom the soooter Connecc theplug5ead Re erflGlJRE I5 intothebattery charginisocket Re fer l tGURE 16 onthescooteniller Ensure thewilll socketis turnedofftheninsen the l prongA C plugIntothe wallsocketandw itch ON Tum the charger on as shown on l GURE 17 Please ensure the voltage on the charger is set to 230volt not IlO...

Page 21: ...O er uses either Gd or Seaied lead add deep qcle baaenes They re maintenance free and cransporubJeonA oplane TrainandAutomobile s asthereIsnodangero leakage Some A1rltne companies require doclffl1entation reg irding the transporting of the batteries Please c heck with your airline prior totravelling Shoukiyouneed thiiinformation please haveyourseIIW tgdeafercontactShoprider CAUTION Always ensure c...

Page 22: ...ed to not w uerdamage any sensitiveparts Pleaseread thef ollowmgwarnings Onlyuseasof tdampdoth NEVERuse 1hosetow a shyourscooter 00NOYuse abrasive deaning products Mild dete rgenton shouldbeused General Scooter M untenance Every six monthschedc thealter base bolts wheel axJe bolts ilnd arm rest angle ad Ustroent bolu aod eighten 15 necessary Alsocheck these a t andilm1rest tigluening knobs and tig...

Page 23: ...t operate ootiltheignitionkeyhas beenswitched off and thenon again inorder to resetthe circuits PleaseconsukyoursettingShoprider provide r ifyourscooterdoesnot run afterc heckingthese points Warranty Terms Conditions TheWluTanryTe rmsandConditions notedbelow prO llide OUrShoprider scooterwith excellentcoverage againstpossible defective p 1m or possible faulty workmanship If at anytlme you 11 ve a ...

Page 24: ...arrangealf work andassess dwarrantyapplies Exclusions I All cransponatlon cost soclated with the wbmisslon and return of the repair or replacement under waminty asdeterminedby ShopnderAustralia aretherespons ibtlity of theorlgmalctJstomer 2 Normal wear item arenot covered under w arranty These items include such items as brushes cyres tubes brake pads upholnery sea ting andarmrests 3 Damage catAed...

Page 25: ...without notice I JndudesAnti tipwheels Wheretrtted Roc ky 6GoU Golf brade etwhere fitted 1 OriverweightmayeJCCeedweightofunit speedmust bereduced when wrning 3 Roc ky 6maybeoptlonedwith330xIOOmmtyres DISCLAIMER AIIRounder 1300 X 6 0 X 1120 2 330mm 2 l30mm 159 103 50 amp off board 1100 I SO 10 12 20 70kg 1500 y 889ERSF 1400 x 600 X 1170 21330mm 21 JJOmm 159 103 so amp off board 1100 150 10 20 12 70...

Page 26: ...Active Mobility Systems Pty Ltd Unit 8 110 120 Silverwater Road Silverwater NSW 2128 Tel 02 9649 2111 sales activemobility com au activemobility com au ...
