Shire Bunny Assembly Instructions Download Page 2

Assembly of Building - 


3 Place the window into the

aperture. Secure the window
to the panel using 3 x 25mm
screws per hinge, again
through the predrilled holes in
the hinge. Repeat.

6 Drill two holes, one to the the top and one to the

bottom. Do not drill into the panel ‘A'. Secure the panels
together using 2 x 60mm screws. Repeat with similar
panel ‘A’ on opposite side.

7 Place the door panel ‘C’ in position. Drill both side

panels and secure to the door panel using 2 x 60mm
screws at each side.

1 Remove protective film from

both sides of each glazing
pane of window glazing
material ‘L’.

2 Place glazing material ‘L’

into the aperture of each

3 Hold into position with four

pieces of beading ‘L1’. The
beading may need to be
swapped around to get the
best fit. When satisfied
secure into position using 2
x 15mm panel pins per
piece of beading. Repeat for
door window.

1 Screw all side panels to

the floor on the inside of
the building using 2 x
60mm screws per
separate panel, preferably
into  the floor joist.

1 Nail facia boards ‘K1’ into position using 3 x 40mm

nails per board. Repeat.

2 Nail diamond ‘K2’

into position
ensuring it is
vertical using 2 x
40mm nails. Repeat
for opposite gable

8 On the underside of

the outside corners
neatly cut, fold and
secure using 1x felt

-  Glazing Material in Window & Door

Securing Walls to Floor

GFacia boards and Diamonds


1 Nail corner strips ‘I’ at

each corner. Use 3 x
40mm nails per strip.

Floor and Wall Assembly

Gable Assembly

5 Place the floor on a flat level surface. Place ‘A’ and

‘B’ in position, ensuring that the shiplap cladding
overhangs the edge of the floor.

2 Measure in 400mm fro edge to mark centre for next

roof bearer ‘D1’. Repeat from opposite edge.

3 Fix bearer inposition using

1x 40mm nail.

4 Using a straight edge to indicate centres for exising

nails  proceed in fixing bearer using 40mm nails at
100mm intervals.

400 mm

400 mm

3 Place vents into the

aperture in gable
panel ‘F’.

1 Drill 2 holes on the top bearer vertically on panel ‘A.

2 Position gable panel ‘F’ into position ensuring that the

gable is positioned evenly and flush along the top
edge of the panel. Secure using 2 x 60mm screws.

Roof & Felt Assembly

50 mm

50 mm

50 mm

2 Place roof panel ‘G’ on top of felt ensuring on 3

sides there is an overlap of approximately 50mm on
three sides.

1 Open the roll of felt ‘H’. Place on flat clean surface

and fold in two equal halves. Cut into two equal
pieces on the fold using a cutting knife.

5 Place both

roof panels on
to the building
checking that
the roof
panels are
flush with the
outside edges
of the building
and at the
ridge. The edge with felt nailed in place is the bottom
edge. The felt is nailed to the underside of the roof
overhang. Secure both roof panels in position
through the roof and into the framework of the walls
and gables using 3x 40mm nails for each gable edge
and 5 for each long edge. A total of 22x 40mm nails.

4 For

opposite roof
process 2 and 3
of this section but
this time trim the
edge with the large
overlap flush with the
edge of the panel using a cutting knife.

3 Fold over felt on longest edge with the 50mm

overlap and nail inposition using felt nails at 100mm

7 Place the felt on the roof and over the ridge to

overhang the other roof panel with felt already fitted
in place. Secure the felt to the walls and along the
overhang of the existing roof panel using felt nails
spaced at 100mm.

6 One roof panel has the felt trimmed to be flush at

the peak of the building. Place this felt in position
and fix to the walls of the building using felt nails
spaced at 100mm intervals.


Check and ensure that no raised grain or splinters are evident on timber
components. Sand down any raised grain or splinters using fine grade


Check that all screw, nail and pin heads are properly tapped home and
are not proud of the timber surface.


Check and ensure that no screws, nails or pins protrude through any


Check and ensure that all parts are properly secured against reasonable


Do not apply decorative wood finish/treatments to wet or damp timber.
Please observe the instructions of the wood finish/treatment manufacturer.


Adults need to check the playhouse regularly and maintain the playhouse
in good condition to provide a safe play environment. Do not use if
damaged. If damaged the playhouse should be properly and safely
repaired before further use by children.

Assembly Completion Checklist

1 Place two

floor bearers ‘D1’ flush
with the outer edges of the floor.
Nail in position using 40mm nails at
100mm intervals.

1 The hinges should be

recessed into the window
frames to a depth of 3mm. To
do this: place one hinge ‘C5’
on the inner rebated part of
the top of the window. The rounded part of the hinge
should sit above the outer edge. Mark the position of
the hinge on the weather proofing part of the window
insert. Remove the hinge. Chisel out the timber to a
depth of 3mm in the positions marked. Repeat.

2 Place the hinge back onto

the insert and screw the
inner piece into position
using the predrilled holes
in the hinge and 2 x 25
mm screws. Repeat.

4 Open the window and fit a

further 2 x 25mm screws per
hinge next to the one already
fitted in Step 1. Repeat.

6 Fit the Casement Stay

on the window using
2 x 25mm screws.

7 Mark where the ‘pins’ will

be placed.

8 Secure into position

using 4 x 25mm screws -
2 in each pin.

Fitting the Casement Stay

‘C6’. Place the casement stay
centrally on the inside of the
window. Place the 2 pins ‘C7’
under the casement stay.
Position so that it is not resting on the framework of
the panel and not so high that the pins are of no use.

Fit Window Frame C4 (from top)

1 Secure the

pointed part of
the door catch to
the outside edge
of the inside
edge of the door.
Fix into place
using 2 x 12mm

2 Whilst inside the

building, position
the other part of
the door catch
into the pointed part of the catch and close the
door. Fix into place using 2 x 12mm screws

-Door catch Assembly

Door Assembly

Fitting the door to

front panel. Place
the door into the
aperture. Ensure
there is an equal gap
between the edges of the door and the
aperture. Screw into position using 3 x
25mm screws per hinge.

1. At the top and bottom of the

hinge side of the door, the
corner of the weather proof
overhang needs to be removed.
To do this: determine which side
of the door the hinge will be
fitted to allow either right or left
opening. Place the door on a
flat, level surface, face down. Measure 10 mm along each
side of each corner. Draw a diagonal line connecting the two
marks. Cut this triangular section off using a saw. Repeat.

2. Place the piano hinge along the length of the door making

sure that the hinge does not protrude at either top or bottom.
Fit the small inner part of the hinge to the door using 6 x 25
mm screws in total.

3 Fit ring handle ‘C5’ to the door

inline with the centre door
framework  using 4 x 25mm
black screws.

BunnyAssy(UK)  3/5/04  5:45 PM  Page 2
