Supplied Accessories
Check that you have the following components
in your converter pack ;
(1) 1 x Instruction Manual
(2) 1 x Transmitter or Repeater or Receiver
(3) 1 x AC Adaptor : 12VDC, @300mA
Sa feguards and Pr ecautions
A. Keep this unit away from fire, extremely hot areas, water or moisture of any Kind.
B. Do not place this unit on any support that is not firm, level and strong.
C. Do not service the unit yourself. Opening the unit's housing will void the warranty.
D. Servicing must be by Shinybow or by an authorized technician.
C. Illegal duplication of copyrighted material is strictly prohibited by Federal Laws.
Before you make any connections
Make sure all Video devices to be connected to the CAT5 Transmitter/Repeater/Receiver are
functioning according to their respective operation manuals before connecting them. Always
connect the digital Audio devices to the CAT5 Tx/Rx one at a time and make sure each works
just as it did before it was connected.
Congratu la tio ns on your purchase of one th e most in novativ e CAT5 Transmitte r/R epeate r
/R eceiv er product on th e market Today. The SB-6135 is a tr ansmitte r its driv in g Dig ita l PCM
or Composite Vid eo and Ste reo Audio sig nals over lo ng lin es by cate gory cable to SB-6135R
CAT5 receiv er. hig h perfo rmance fo r Dig ita l Audio (PCM) or Composite Vid eo with Ste reo
Audio driv in g with a ADCs dig ita l sig nal. Sig nals AV with a maxim um exte nsio n of 1000ft
betw een tr ansmitte r and receiv er. And use cate gory 5 cable . The te rmin ato rs are Rj4 5
(Cate gory 5) ja ck and Dig ita l or composite vid eo RCA ja ck.
Specifications :
Dr iving Signals
Digital Audio (PCM)
Cable for CAT5,5e
SB-6135 (Tx), SB-6135R (Rx)
Model Number
Tx, Rx Input/output
Transmitter & Receiver
Digi tal Aud io(PC M) or Com po si te Vide o / Stereo Aud io (AR /AL)
Type of Signals
Power Co nsumed
SB-6135(@100mA), SB-6135R(@100mA)
Power Source
DC 12 Volts, SB-6135(@300mA), SB-6135R(@300mA)
Size (L,W,H)
2.75 in x 2.60 in x 1 in (70x66x26mm)
Net Weight (Unit only)
0.4 lbs. (0.24kg) Approx.
In/Out Terminal
Rj45 Jack, HD-15 and Ea r phone Jack fem al e connect or s.
Video Bandwidth
Tx : 400 Mh z, 13dB full powe r, Rx : 270MH z 1090V/ us@G= +1
Tx slew rate
2000 V/ us
Au dio Frequency response
20Hz to 20KH z, +/-1db
Tx: 68dB SF DR @5 Mh z 200
load. Rx : 1 Vp -p@5 MH z
Low di st or tion
Composite video
Stereo Audio (AR/AL)
1 M
Rx Hi gh input imp edance
1000 feet
1000 feet
1000 feet
Video Ma ximu m input levels
3.1 Vp -p(line level)
1.45 Vp -p
Au dio Ma ximu m input levels
Safeguards and Precautions
A. Keep this unit away from fire, extremely hot areas, water or moisture of any Kind.
B. Do not place this unit on any support that is not firm, level and strong.
C. Do not service the unit yourself. Opening the unit's housing will void the warranty.
D. Servicing must be by Shinybow or by an authorized technician.
C. Illegal duplication of copyrighted material is strictly prohibited by Federal Laws.
Typical Hookup and Operation
TX : Video line driver, Digital line driver, Low power differential
ADC driver, Signal-ended input to differential output driver
RX : High speed differential line receivers, Differential-to-sigle-
ended converters, High speed instrumentation amps, level shifting.
Front :
Inpu t : 1x Digi tal Audi o (PCM) or Com pos ite
1x Stereo Audi o (AR/AL)
Rear :
Output : CAT5 (Tx) Transmitter
Power output : DC12V, @300mA
Front :
Input : CAT5 (Rx) Receiver
Power Input : DC 12V, @300mA
Rear :
Out put :
1x Digi tal Audi o (PCM) or Com posi te
1x Ster eo Audi o( AR/AL)
SB-61 35 R
SB-61 35
Transm itter and Recei ver si gnal s :
Digi tal Audi o (PC M) or Com posi te Video, St er eo Audi o( AR/AL)
Front View
Rear View
Front View
Rear View
10 00 fee t
Audio out
Cat5 ou t
Digita l
A/V Player
(D igita l)
Summary of Contents for SB-6135
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