ANI-3088 Matrix Switching System - User Manual
Scroll on the left lower corner to view contents as shown below. Main Operation Interface Functions
Refer to the window menu above, the interface blue area shows crossing matrix of output
ports 01-08 and input ports 01-08. On the lower right hand corner, you can select either
“Video” for signal input switching or “Disconnect”to close all output ports. Click to check the
white box to the left of “Video” or “Audio” for video or audio signal transimission.
Examples for Selecting Matrix Switching Functions:
Example 1:
Now there is a
matrix having
all the input/output ports properly
connected to the equipment. There are two ways of operation if you want to set channel 1
audio/video to channels 2, 3 and 5 for output and channel 3 audio/video to channel 6 for output:
First way:
Make sure you have selected
by checking the white boxes
to the left. Directly click on the corresponding icons on the matrix
to turn them into
to complete the switching operation.
Second way:
Step 1
: Make sure you have selected “Video” and “Audio” by checking the boxes to the left.
Step 2:
First select the “Output”number keys 02, 03 and 05 to the right, and select the
“Input” number key 01 to the bottom. Afterwards, press consecutively the previously selected
“Output” number keys 02, 03 and 05 (or you can press the “Deselect all output” key). This way,
you have selected “Input” 01 and “Output” 02, 03 and 05 switching.
Step 3:
First select the “Output” number key 06 to the right, and select the “Input” number
key 03 to the bottom. Afterwards, press the previously selected “Output” number key 06 (or you
can press the “Deselect all output” key). This way, you have selected Input 03 and Output 06
Upon completion of the above 3 steps, you have actually completed the switching operation of
having Audio/Video channel 1 to Output channels 2, 3 and 5 while at the same time successfully
switched from Audio/Video channel 3 to Output channel 6.
Example 2:
Now, there is a
matrix with the
input/output ports properly connected to
the equipment. It is required to set the input/output connectors to switching from video channel 1
to output channels NO.1, 6 and 7 and also to switch from audio channel 2 to output channel 8.
There are two ways of operations: