SHINING 3D - EinScan
HX - User Manual – September 2020
EinScan community
Community drop down menu
Official Website
(http://www.einscan.com/) refers to SHINING3D’s official website for Einscan
product and information.
(EinScan) refers to facebook “EinScan Expert” for EinScan users to discuss and share
the ideas, achievements and experience.
Support Platform
refers to the platform for EinScan users to validate the warranty and submit
support ticket when necessary. Service live software updates, manual, video download can be
accessed in support platform. Register your EinScan at support.shining3d.com
Help Mode
Open Help Mode
Click the question mark in the upper right bar, and open the help mode from the drop-down menu.
Drop down menu
Display the help tool related to the current interface.