WIFI module
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JiXinInteligence Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
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Product Overview
The XR-50B WiFi module was developed to meet the IOT application of speech
recognition, consisting of the core processor XR872, AC107 audio CODEC , power supply and
auxiliary circuit. The XR872 integrates ARM-M4F MCU and high-capacity SRAM in a smaller
package with operating frequency up to 384MHz. The XR872 is a highly integrated low-power
Wi-Fi microcontroller SoC that integrates Wi-Fi MAC/BB/RF/PA/LNA, high-performance and
highly integrated MCUs, enabling software to perform more complex tasks and support
hardware encryption engines such as AES/DES/3DES/SHA/MD5/CRC to make data
transmission more secure and faster. The new digital RF transmitter, designed with
XRADIOTECH's MPDTM technology, provides higher output power and maintains higher
efficiency, keeping the chip insensitive to antenna mismatches, but always has a good EVM
under different VSWR. It also includes a number of peripherals, including UART, TWI, SPI,
DMIC, Audio Codec, PWM, CIR (T/R), CSI, SDIO and Auxiliary ADC.
The XR-50B WiFi module supports the standard IEEE802.11 b/g/n protocol, RTOS, and has
a complete TCP/IP protocol stack. Users can use the module to add networking capabilities to
existing devices, or they can use it to build separate network controllers. Built-in high-speed
buffer memory improves system performance and reduces memory requirements