Press and release the green bu on once to turn the s ck reader on. The LCD screen will light up and
display the start-up screen (version number and the ba ery level).
Turn off the s ck reader by pressing and holding the green bu on for at least two seconds un l the LCD
screen shuts off . If the s ck reader is le idle for fi ve minutes it will turn itself off to conserve ba ery
power. Shutdown me can be changed on the computer with
SDL Connect >
S ck Confi gura on
Charging the ba eries
Use the supplied ba ery charger to recharge the ba eries. The mains and car adapter for charging the
s ck reader ba eries are labelled “Ba ery Charger”. Place the ba eries in the charger, ensuring that the
posi ve and nega ve markings (+ / -) on the ba eries match up with the (+ / -) on the charger. Charging the
supplied ba eries from fl at to full should take about four hours.
Check the ba ery level
The ba ery level indicator shows very briefl y on the start-up screen when the s ck reader is turned on.
To check the level of the ba eries when the s ck reader is turned on, fi rst turn it off , then turn it back
on to see the start-up screen.
The s ck reader should operate for at least eight hours on a fully charged set of ba eries. For the fi rst
several hours the ba ery indicator will show
. When the ba ery indicator fi rst shows
you should
s ll have one or two hours of use le , but should plan to recharge or replace the ba eries soon. A sign the
ba eries are ge ng low is the s ck reader is unable to maintain a Bluetooth link to a printer or weigher.
When the indicator shows
the ba eries should be recharged or replaced immediately.
Reading tags
Turn on the s ck reader. Press and release the green bu on once. You don’t
need to hold the bu on down. The s ck reader will begin to scan for an
EID. For informa on on Rapid Read mode see next page.
Press to read...
Grp=A Count=0
UK0123456 08863
Grp=A Count=1
EID found
If an EID is within range the light ring at the end of the s ck reader will fl ash
green and a short ‘beep’ will be heard. The EID number will show on the
LCD screen and be stored in the memory. The group count will be increased
by one. The s ck reader is ready to scan for another EID - press the green bu on
once to start scanning again.
EID not found
If the s ck reader scans but no EID is found the screen will display
. The light ring will glow red and a diff erent long ‘beep’ will signal a
failed read.
No EID found
Grp=A Count=0
EID already stored in memory
If the same EID tag is read more than once, the screen will briefl y display
the message
Already saved
. The light ring will fl ash red and a short beep
will indicate that this number is already stored in memory for this group.
The second ‘read’ is not stored and the count is not increased. If the same
EID tag is scanned in a diff erent group the s ck reader will treat it as a new
number and record it as an EID found.
UK0123456 08863
Already saved...
Battery information