DCIEM Decompression Algorithm
DOC. 10055-DraftA (2021-07-21)
Do I need any special training to use the DCIEM algorithm?
No, if you are a certified diver comfortable using a dive computer you should not notice
a practical difference in how the dive computer operates. The DCIEM algorithm is more
conservative than some other algorithms, so it’s important to plan your dives and prepare
accordingly. The built-in dive planners are useful tools for dive planning with DCIEM.
Will the computer tell me my repetitive group and repetitive factor?
No, Shearwater’s DCIEM implementation does not produce repetitive groups or repetitive
factors. These are components of the DCIEM table system. There is no currently validated
way to determine these values algorithmically.
How does a DCIEM computer manage repetitive diving?
Like all dive computers, tissue compartment tensions are continuously tracked and
updated, even when the computer is ‘off’. Due to this continuous tracking, there is no need
to calculate repetitive groups or factors. However, as is standard practice in computer
diving, each diver must use the same dive computer for every dive and dive computers
cannot be shared between dives.
What are the advantages to using a DCIEM computer over DCIEM tables?
There are many advantage to using a dive computer instead of dive tables. Some examples
• Continuously calculated tissue tensions. This means that the diver gets credit for
multi-level diving which can dramatically increase the amount of available dive time
in a day when compared to running square profiles.
• More flexibility during decompression, crediting the diver for sub-optimal
decompression stops that occur at deeper depths due to environmental conditions.
• Automatic electronic logging of dives reducing the need to manage paper logs.
• Simplified dive planning. Built in NDL and decompression planners make planning
dives and required surface intervals easy.