11 Additional Information
11.1 Desiccant and Head Seal Replacement
Unscrew the four handle retaining screws using a hex socket drive.
Unscrew the four posidrive countersunk screws which hold the retaining
ring to the SDHmini.
The desiccant filled desiccant chamber can now be removed from the
sample chamber by fully retracting the desiccant chamber. Gently pulling
on the desiccant chamber a little more, will pull the retaining ring out of
the sample chamber. The sample chamber is still retained within the body
of the SDHmini.
Carefully place the knurled section of the desiccant chamber top section
with the desiccant base assembly uppermost.
Fully unscrew the desiccant head base assembly turning it anticlockwise.
The desiccant head base may require slight loosening by placing in a soft
jaw vice before this step is carried out. Do not fully unscrew with desiccant
chamber base section at the bottom, as this will spill desiccant.
Only use soft jaws. Do not use tools or vice with hard jaws.
There is no need to remove the retaining ring from the desiccant chamber
top section except perhaps to change an O-ring.
Dispose of used desiccant and refill with new, up to a level of 3 mm from
the bottom of the screw thread.
Insert the desiccant chamber base assembly back into the refilled
desiccant chamber top section. Remember to ensure that the retaining
ring is in place and in the correct orientation prior to reassembly by re-
tightening the threaded parts.
Only use soft jaws. Do not use tools or vice with hard jaws.
Insert desiccant head and retaining ring back into the sample chamber
pushing down squarely and firmly to push past the resistance of the O-ring
at the top of the sample chamber.
Push the desiccant chamber back into the sample chamber.
Align the countersunk holes in the retaining ring to the holes in the
housing and sample chamber within.
Reattach and tighten the four countersunk screws using the posidrive
Reattach the handle using the four cap head M4 screws and the hex drive.