1 Introduction
1.1 Unpacking Your Shaw Moisture Meters SDHmini Portable
Sample System (SDH-PSS)
Please examine the SDHmini Portable Sample System package for any damage
or mishandling. If any damage is evident please notify the carrier and the Shaw
Moisture Meters representative from where the unit was purchased.
You should have received (if ordered):
SDHmini Portable Sample System (with requested configuration)
Anti-static padded carrying case
Instruction manual
If anything is missing please contact your distributor immediately.
This instruction manual is only for use with the instrument supplied. All
information required for the safe and proper operational use of the instrument
is contained here. Please make sure you read and understand the information
and instructions in this instruction manual before using the instrument. Failure
to operate the instrument as directed in this manual may:
Expose personnel to risk of injury
Cause damage to and/or impair the function of the instrument
Invalidate the instrument warranty
1.2 General Description
The SDHmini Portable Sample System has been specifically designed to
condition pressurised gas samples (2900 psi max/200barg, please see
specifications for details) for use with the SDHmini dew point meter range.
Although the SDHmini Portable Sample System chassis is constructed from
high quality 304 stainless steel, care should be taken when it is in transit and
appropriate packaging used.