If you change settings on the fan control panel, it does
not update or change your remote display.
For example, if you turn the fan off at the control panel, the
remote will still indicate that the fan is on. In this situation, you
would need to press POWER on the remote twice to turn the
fan back on.
Select from three wind
simulation patterns:
Constant -
No fluctuation in
wind intensity.
Natural -
Changes in air flow
to simulate natural breezes.
Sleep -
Gentle and subtle
shifts in air flow.
Mode Button
Fresh Air and Negative Ions
One of the distinct differences between “fresh” outdoor air and
“stale” indoor air is the balance of negative ions vs. positive ions.
Outdoor air has high concentrations negative ions — specifically,
oxygen molecules with an extra electron attached — and relatively
few positive ions (oxygen with an electron stripped away).
High concentrations of negative ions are found in the most
invigorating outdoor places — evergreen forests, around waterfalls,
on beaches with crashing surf or anywhere after thunderstorms,
when the air seems almost crisp and spicy with freshness!
At the other extreme, positive ions are found in high concentrations
inside closed, air-conditioned and heated buildings, and outdoors
in cities during rush hours (pollution depletes negative ions).
Many believe that this balance of negative ions versus positive
ions may someday be controlled indoors — just as we currently
regulate indoor air’s humidity and temperature. In this way, we
would hope to restore our homes and work environments to
something more like those refreshing outdoor places.
Sharper Image Design’s Feel-Good Fan
— with its negative-ion
feature — is a step in that direction.
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