Parts and their Functions
In order for your cash register to operate properly, you must reset it before programming for the
first time. Follow this procedure.
1. Remove the register from its packing carton.
2. Set the mode switch to the REG position.
3. Insert the plug into the AC outlet. A buzzer will sound three times.
IMPORTANT: This operation must be performed without batteries loaded.
4. The register display should now show “
5. Press
to confirm the clock starts from “
6. Press
to cancel the time display.
Symbols and figures appearing on the display:
Appears with an alarm sound when an error is made. If this occurs during a
transaction because of an extra digit entry, simply press
and re-enter correctly.
Appears when the cash register is being programmed in the “Z/PGM” mode.
Finalization: Appears when a transaction is finalized by pressing
Appears when the cash register computes a subtotal when
is pressed, and
also when an amount tendered is less than the total sales amount.
Appears whenever a change due amount is displayed.
Appears when
is pressed to calculate a subtotal in foreign currency.
Low battery: Appears when the voltage of the installed batteries is under the required level. You
need to replace the batteries with new ones very soon.
No battery: Appears when the batteries are not installed, or the installed batteries are dead.
You must immediately replace the batteries with new ones.
In addition, the following appear when appropriate:
• The minus sign (-) can appear in positions 2 to 9.
• The decimal point appears in positions 1 to 3.
Please do the following before using the register for the first time.
Three new R6 or LR6 batteries (“AA”size) must be installed in the cash register to prevent the data
and user-programmed settings from being erased from the memory, when the AC cord is
accidentally disconnected or in case of power failure. Once installed, the batteries will last
approximately one year before needing replacement. At this time, the “
” symbol will appear on
the display to indicate that the batteries are low and that you must replace them within two days.
Install three new R6 or LR6 batteries (“AA”size) according to the procedure shown below with the
AC cord connected and set the mode switch to the REG position:
Step 1 Reset the Cash Register
Step 2 Install Batteries
Before Operation