Serves 4-6
150g green peppers, chunks
150g red peppers, chunks
150g yellow peppers, chunks
head of garlic, separate cloves and peel
150g celery, sliced
800g chicken fillets, cubed
400g chopped tomatoes, canned
5ml (1 tsp) caster sugar
10ml (2 tsp) fresh basil, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 Place the peppers, garlic, celery and chicken
into a 2.5 litre (approx. 4 pints) bowl and
cook on 100P for 4 minutes.
2 Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
3 Place on the turntable and cook on 70P for
25 minutes, stirring 2-3 times during cooking.
Garnish with black olives and fresh basil.
Serves 4
200g courgettes, sliced
150g leeks, sliced
2 clove garlic, crushed
800g canned, chopped tomatoes
600g canned, mixed beans in curry sauce
150g fresh baby sweetcorn, chopped
5ml (1 tsp) fennel seeds
3 vegetable stock cubes
salt and pepper to taste
1 Place the cougettes, leeks and garlic in a 2.5
litre (4 pint) casserole dish, mix well.
2 Add the tomatoes, beans, sweetcorn, fennel
and stock cubes. Season and mix well.
3 Cook on 70P for 15 minutes, then on 100P
for 15 minutes, stir 2-3 times during cooking.
Serve with rice or baked potatoes.
Serves 4-6
300g carrots, sliced
200g leeks, sliced
150g red peppers, chopped
150g canned sweetcorn
900ml (1
pints) hot vegetable stock
250g cous cous
1 Place the carrots, leeks, peppers, sweetcorn and
stock into a 2.5 litre (4 pint) casserole dish, mix
well and cook on 70P for 20 minutes, stirring
2 Add the cous cous, mix well and cook on 70P
for 5 minutes.
Serve hot as an accompaniment or cold as a sald.
Serves 4
30ml vegetable oil
10ml ground cinnamon
10ml ground coriander
5ml cayenne pepper
10ml sesame seeds
10ml caraway seeds
50g butter
1.3cm (
”) fresh root ginger, peeled & grated
2 cloves garlic, crushed
675g cooked potatoes, cut into 2.5cm (1”) pieces
pinch of salt
1 Place the oil, cinnamon, coriander, cayenne
pepper, sesame and caraway seeds in a 2.5
litre (approx. 4 pint) casserole dish, mix well.
Heat on 100P for 1 minute.
2 Add the butter, ginger and garlic. Cook on
70P for 3 minutes. Stir in the potatoes and
3 Place the dish on the turntable, cook on 70P
for 8 minutes, stir twice.
Garnish with fresh chopped coriander, serve
with grilled or roasted meats.
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