12 |
P a g e
A maximum of 4 digits can be stored (decimal point is
not counted as a digit).
Be sure to set this selector to
the “ ” position after
storing an each rate.
For the conversion rate and the tax / discount rate, a
single value can be stored for each. If you enter a
new rate, the previous rate will be cleared.
Each time this key is pressed, the mode switches.
Calculation mode
Date display mode
Clock display
Calculation mode
Use this key also to adjust date and
time (see “GRAND
Utilize this key to enter hours and minutes in time
Press this key after entering an hour or minute value. (There
is no need to press this key when entering a second value.)
To bypass hour entry, press this key after entering 0.
To bypass minute entry, you may press this key alone, or
press it after entering 0.
When this key is pressed, if the preceding entry is in any of
the following ranges, it is set as an hour or minute value:
Hour: Within 6 digits
Minute: 0 to 99 (An entry above 60 is rounded up to one
hour. If a value of more than 3 digits is entered, only the
least significant two digits take effect.)
A second value is set when it is entered in the following