– 18 –
4. No adjust type (None adjusting circuit.)
5. Added EON button.
6. Need to change RDS logo due to add EON feature.
7. Added EON—TI, EON—PTY function.
3. Summary of CD-C5H RDS—EON operation
EON—PTY: Select and set the desired “PTY”
switch to ON(other network) Station at the start of desired
PTY automatically
stay and listen to PTY of ON station
switch back to TN(This net) station automatically
at the end of PTY(ON) i.e. after changing to another PTY(except AFFAIRS) or cancelling to receive PTY of
ON station midway.
Select and set the “TI”
switch to ON station at the start of traffic announcement automati
stay and listen to TA of ON station
switch back to TN station autmatically at the end of TA(ON).
ie after TA(ON) is over or cancelled to receive TA of ON station midway.
When switching TN
ON station.
In case of exist 2 more stations having the desired(specified) “PTY” or “TI”, the receiver will select and switch to ON station
comparing field strength at the same time. But when the frequency of ON station exists in the preset-memory, then reciver
switches straight to that ON station(CH), without comparing field strength so can make a quick switching from TN—ON sta
tion. Preset memory takes priority of switching TN—ON station.
therefore ASPM is usefull not only for PTY search but also for rapid EON switching. Anyway CD-C5H EON is basically stand-
by and receiving method, along with the Guidelines for EON implementation.
• ASPM SCAN: 87.50MHz
108.00 MHz.
• Only RDS signal is memorized by ASPM because RDS signal has PI code and is suitable and convenient for ASPM operation.
Comparing field strength, only one strongest RDS station is memorized of all stations (repeater relay stations) that have same
PI code.
Same PI code — freq: different
PS: same
PTY: same
Each PI has AF’S list by individually.
Exa: P1 has f
, f
, f
(same PTY).
P2 has f
, f
(same PTY).
[For example]
Pickup and memorized to preset CH.
f 1
f 2
f 3
P 1 (PI cord)
PS 1 (Station Name)
f 5
f 4
P 2
PS 2
f 6
f 7
f 8
P 3
PS 3
f 9
f 10
f 11 f 12 f13
P 4
PS 4
Select signals (f1, f5, f7, f10) are memorized in the preset memory by ASPM.
• If tentative - ASPM operation is repeated intententionally, never memorized (over write) at the same frequecy.
1st time ASPM
strongest stations of each pi are memorized.
ASPM is not only very usefull for PTY search, but also EON operation.
2nd time ASPM
2nd strong stations of each pi are memorized and so on.
PTY search function is equal to FM band search function as a result.
1. Introduction of RDS for CD-C5H
CD-C5H RDS function is equal to adding EON feature to the current CD-C75H RDS.
EON feature is EON—PTY and EON—TI.
Although PTY and TI indicators are separated, PTY contains TI in the PTY items (software) like current PTY search items.
(TTL 17 kinds)
Can select and stand-by
Can select and stand-by
EON—PTY and EON—TI are basically stand-by
receive the desired program of ON station.
2.The difference point from current CD-C75H RDS. (CD-C75H — CD-C5H)
1. PTY item: added TA.TTL 18 kind.
2. Each “TP”, “TA” ind. light up or go out individually.
“TA” ind. doesn’t light up on current model, CD-C75H due to none EON—TI.
3. Added 3 indicators(in FL) due to adding EON feature.
EON: Lights up only during receiving EON data (14A).
During EON-TI stand-by
Light up
During receiving ON station.
PTY: During EON-PTY stanb-by
Light up
During receiving ON station.