Procedure to Program Functions of Hotel Mode
Below listed can be found the procedure to carry out in the above TV Sets functions called HOTEL MODE as follows:
Consider that HOTEL MODE is implemented by means of HOTEL MODE 1. The HOTEL MODE 2 or HOTEL MODE 3
can be used at the same time than HOTEL MODE 1.
Blockade of tuning functions
Restriction of sound
Blockade of tuning functions
Start on SCART mode + SW when
SCART IS ACTIVE (Front Panel inactive)
Blockade of tuning functions
VCR constant changed
Hotel 1 Mode: blockade of the TUNING function by modifying the value in 0A address of the NVM.
-This change besides blocking the tuning function, makes the TV always starts to operate in program 1.
A) Press the volume up or volume down buttons (RC) as far as the NVM address (green colour) displays “0A” location.
Check the NVM value (red colour) displays the NORMAL VALUE .
B) Pay Attention: Press the button 2 (RC) only once. The NORMAL VALUE has been changed to the HOTEL 1 MODE
VALUE now. If the button 2 (RC) is pressed again the NORMAL VALUE is recovered. For the same reason, if a wrong
button has been pressed, NORMAL VALUE can be recovered by pressing the same button again. See NVM table on
page 6.
Restriction of Sound Volume: by modifying the R314 value.
Change R314 value from 1K (VRS-TVIJD102J part code) to 39K (VRS-TV1JD393J part code), so the maximum level of
sound can be limited from 100% to 50%.
1.8. Exit Service Mode and check colour coordinates «X» and «Y» at 20 and 120 nits. It may be necessary to repeat the
same procedure or readjust the cuts as show the be below one.
2. «CUT R», «CUT G»
2.1. Adjust G2, in the case that it has not been made previously.
2.2. Tune a grey scale pattern.
2.3. Adjust colour to minimum.
2.4. Position colorimeter in the right point of Fig.4.
2.5. Using brightness and contrast buttons, select a luminance of »20 nits.
2.6. Operate again in Service Mode and select location CUT-G and CUT-R to obtain colour coordinates:
X = 0.290 ± 0.015
Y = 0.300 ± 0.015
2.7. Exit Service Mode and check colour coordinates «X» and «Y» at 20 and 120 nits. It may be necessary to repeat
the same procedure or the previous one.
Cancel password (PIN)
The following process describes how to cancel actual password (PIN) when the customer forgets the code.
1. Press channel up or down to select the channel, wich you locked with input PIN number.
2. The TV picture will be blue and the key appear on screen.
3. Press and hold volume down on the TV and simultaneously press CHILD LOCK button (see Page.43) on the remote
control several times until the key disappears.