E149703 V.1.11
QS - 8
Shark® 200 Meter Quickstart
Program Meter Time:
The meter is preset to Eastern time. To change the meter time:
1. From the Main screen’s Title bar, click Tools>Set Device Time.
2. You can either enter the time in the Time fields, or click Use
PC Time to set the time using your PC’s time.
3. Click Send.
The meter offers multiple Time Synchronization meth-
ods. See Chapter 8, Section 8.1.2 in the software manual (see
page QS-1; alternatively, you can click Help>Contents from the
Main screen to open the manual) for instructions on setting up
Time Sync for the meter.
Program Meter Name:
To enter a name/ID for the meter:
1. From the Device Profile screen, click
General Settings>System Settings.
2. Input a new meter designation into the
field. Note that it is important to name
each meter individually, since the meter
name is used to name the log databases
when logs are downloaded.
See Chapter 8 in the software manual
for an explanation of the other settings
in this screen.
When you have made
changes to the meter’s Device Profile, click
Load Profile at the bottom of the Device Pro-
file screen to send the new settings to the
meter. The meter will reboot and then you can reconnect to it. Note that you can also click Save Profile
to save your changes without sending them to the meter.
Shark® is a registered trademark of Electro Industries/GaugeTech. CommunicatorPQA
, MeterManagerPQA
, and Ener-
are trademarks of Electro Industries/GaugeTech.