Tirth Agro Technology Pvt. Ltd. offer the following warranty to the purchaser of SHAKTIMAN
FERTILIZER BROADCASTER mentioned herein above subject to the conditions set out herein
after provided the SHAKTIMAN FERTILIZER BROADCASTER shall be in the possession of
and used by such purchaser as from the date of delivery.
Tirth Agro Technology Pvt. Ltd. warrants its products for a period of six (6) months and will
replaced at its factory and any part of parts there of that shall be returned, with transportation
charges prepaid and which, when examined by us, shall disclose if to be defective, but this
warranty shall not apply to implements or parts that have been subjected to negligence, of
accident, or that have been altered or repaired or used with non-genuine parts.
The purchaser of SHAKTIMAN FERTILIZER BROADCASTER will strictly follow the
instructions given in the instruction manual, provided by the company along with the
SHAKTIMAN FERTILIZER BROADCASTER at the time of delivery. Changes if any,
resulting in improper usage will not be covered by the warranty. This warranty will
automatically terminate on the expiry of warranty period of six months even the
SHAKTIMAN FERTILIZER BROADCASTER may not be in use for any time during
the warranty period for any reason whatsoever including any technical reasons and time
taken for such repairs / replacements of parts, and in transit, whether under this warranty
or otherwise shall not be excluded from the warranty period.
While the company will make every effort to carry out repairs / replacements of parts
under this warranty as soon as possible. It is expressly made clear that the company shall
not be liable to do within any specific period of time.
In the event of repairs / replacement of any parts, this warranty will thereafter continue to
remain in force only for the unexpired period of warranty.
It is entirely left to company discretion to affect repairs / replacements of parts at the site
of delivery or at the service points of its branches of authorized representatives. The
defective parts which has/have been agreed to be replaced, should be returned to the
company without any further claim.
The warranty shall not cover any consequential or resulting liability, damage or loss
arising directly or indirectly out of any defect in the SHAKTIMAN FERTILIZER
BROADCASTER. This warranty shall be strictly limited to repairs and replacement of
the defective parts specified in the warranty at our end, and does not cover any
reimbursements of labour charges for any repairs so earned out at dealer/client end.