(..) and check if the modulation goes faster.
Do the same with the depth potentiometer, turned fully counterclockwise, a
positive signal in the Depth CV input should dim the green LEDs.
5- For testing the audio inputs and outputs, send an audio signal in the first
output. Still in Sine panning mode with Depth fully counterclockwise the audio
signal should go thru the module with a slight attenuation.
6- Then, test the Ext input by sending a trigger in it (this input can receive any
form of signals but better debug it with a simple one). Send a 0-5V trigger,
adjust the Threshold potentiometer fully counterclockwise and the green LED
should react to the trigger.
7- Finally, we test the Time+ button and LED. Pressing the button should light
on the LED.
If after this debugging you still have problem, don't hesitate to contact us at