Regular care and maintenance of your umbrella is essential. The following points will assist in
keeping it looking smart and clean while also ensuring its ongoing performance and reliability.
Always place the Protection Cover over the umbrella when not in use.
Close and cover your umbrella in adverse conditions, this includes rain, snow, hail and high
Take care when opening or closing the umbrella, always check for obstacles first (ie: trees,
ladders, furniture, people).
Umbrella should never be left stored/collapsed for long periods while wet. Always ensure
that the fabric is dried before storing or closing for long periods of time.
Any early signs of mould or mildew must be removed.
Umbrella canopy is removable and washable. Clean fabric using cold or warm water and mild
natural soap. Always rinse and leave to dry in the open air – do not put in a clothes dryer.
Never clean any part of the umbrella with a corrosive/abrasive product or a high pressure
Never use waterproofing or cleaning sprays on umbrella fabric without seeking appropriate
advice first.
All moving parts on the umbrella are best maintained with an annual application of dry lubri
cator, such as dry contact silicone spray.
Shadowspec Umbrella canopies should be cleaned often, before dirt is allowed to accumulate
and become embedded in the fabric. The fabric canopy can be cleaned without being removed
from the frame, however, the canopy can be removed from the frame if preferred. Brush off
any loose dirt or particles, hose down and clean with a mild soap in lukewarm water,
no more
than 37° C.
Rinse to remove soap. Allow fabric to air dry.
Do not use heavy detergents.
For stubborn stains,
‘303’ Fabric Cleaner
is recommended although as with any cleaner, it is
advisable to trial a small area of the fabric first to ensure no adverse effect or discolouration
Following cleaning it is also then advisable to re-treat the fabric with a water repellency
application again. We recommend
‘303’ Protectant
for this purpose.
When washing or cleaning,
do not subject to excessive heat
as the fabric will shrink.
Do not
steam press or dry in electric or gas dryers
but allow to air dry.
In cases where the Shadowspec Retreat is taken down and stored during the winter season,
the canopy should be cleaned, allowed to air dry, and stored in a dry, well ventilated area. A
Protection Cover should be used at all times when umbrella is not in use to ensure the longest
serviceable life.
Umbrella Care and Maintenance
Fabric Cleaning Instructions
Shadowspec Retreat™ Care
Look after your Shadowspec Retreat and it will
look after you, here is our guide to umbrella
care - please read and reach out to
[email protected]
for any questions or advice