Using the Air Compressor
Once the air compressor is connected to the mains supply use as follows:
a) Push the switch to the on position on the back of the compressor.
b) Check that the motor/pump automatically stops when the pressure
inside the air receiver reaches approximately (8BAR) (check gauge). Rotate
the air regulator to the desired outlet pressure and plug in hose with
chosen air tool connected to the other end. The air is now ready for use.
You may need to finely adjust as the air tool is used.
c) Check that the motor/ pump automatically starts, when the pressure falls
by approximately 2BAR.
Shutting down the Air Compressor
Never stop the compressor by unplugging it. The on / off switch must
always be used as this ensures that air is discharged from the head. This
makes the starting easier for the motor and prevents motor damage.
Air Pressure Regulator
To adjust the pressure turn the Pressure Regulator dial anti clockwise to
decrease the pressure and turn the dial clockwise to increase pressure.