Operation with the MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio engineering software
Communication via EtherCAT
Manual – EtherCAT
Interfaces, Field Distributors
You can use the ping command to check whether the communication path to the
mailbox gateway is established correctly. To do so, proceed as follows:
Open a command-line interface window on your engineering PC to enter a DOS
Enter "ping" and the IP address of the EtherCAT
mailbox gateway. The complete
command line for the described network setting (example) is:
If there is no response to the ping command, repeat the steps described in the two
previous sections:
– "Configuration of the mailbox gateway in the EtherCAT master" (→
– "Configuring the network at the engineering PC" (→
Settings of the EtherCAT
master are not adopted
If the settings of the EtherCAT
master are not adopted, perform a reboot.
Communication settings in MOVITOOLS
Configuring the communication channel via EtherCAT
Proceed as follows to configure a communication channel for EtherCAT
1. Click on "Configure communication connections" [1] in the toolbar.
Setting communication parameters for EtherCAT
Proceed as follows to set the EtherCAT
communication parameters:
1. Set up the EtherCAT
protocol. Select the "EtherCAT settings" tab.
2. Tick the "Activate EtherCAT" checkbox.
3. Change the set communication parameters if necessary. Refer to the detailed de-
scription of the communication parameters for EtherCAT
4. To add an IP address, click on the symbol [Add IP address] [2].
25809148/EN – 01/2019