Operation with the MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio engineering software
Communication via EtherCAT
Manual – EtherCAT
Interfaces, Field Distributors
The settings look as follows in Beckhoff's TwinCAT program:
Configuring the network at the engineering PC
MotionStudio and the EtherCAT
master are running on the same
PC, you do not have to make any additional network settings.
If the EtherCAT
master is connected to an Ethernet network via an engineering inter-
face, PCs in the same subnet can access SEW drives on EtherCAT
MotionStudio. To do so, the telegrams from the engineering PC are
routed via the Ethernet interface of the EtherCAT
master to the mailbox gateway (so-
called routing).
Two variants
are available for routing:
1. Design: Defining a static route.
In this variant, an entry is added to the routing table of the engineering PC that
routes the engineering data via the EtherCAT
master to the mailbox gateway.
The command for creating a static route in the DOS box is:
route –p add [Target] MASK [Net mask] [Gateway]
Checking the network settings
Irrespective of whether MOVITOOLS
MotionStudio and the EtherCAT
master are
running on the same PC or the EtherCAT
mailbox gateway is accessed via routing,
you should check the network settings.
25809148/EN – 01/2019