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The ejector is designed to complement Severn Trent Services Series 200 vacuum regulators. The
ejector is the heart of the system providing the vacuum necessary to operate the vacuum regulator. The
diaphragm ejector is to be used in continuous feed applications.
Installation - Figure 1
The ejector may be installed in any position, since the check valve is spring actuated.
(However, downward water flow may cause cavitation and poor vacuum).
The point of injection should be carefully chosen so the water pressure into which the gas is fed, is aslow
as possible. If the ejector is installed in a pipe, the ejector-diffuser should not be installed in the top of the
pipe where gas may discharge and collect in an empty area of the pipe. Diffuser penetration into the pipe
should not exceed 1/3 of the diameter of the pipe.
Proceed as follows to install pipe mounted close-coupled diffuser and ejector.
Unscrew the diffuser from the assembly. Do NOT install the ejector with the diffuser attached,
or damage may occur.
Put Teflon tape on the diffuser pipe threads and screw the diffuser into the pipe by hand.
Tighten carefully with pliers. (Make sure that the holes in the spray tube diffuser are in the
main stream.) The end of an open- end type diffuser should not allow strong chemical solution
to come in contact with pipe or fittings. (This will cause serious corrosion.
Figure 1 - Gas Feed System Flow Diagram