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b) Remove the screws from the stopper, as shown
in the following figure, and install it on the oppo
site side of the door.
c) Remove the shaft and the two stoppers from
the lower hinge and install it in the position, as
shown in the following figure.
Step 4
Install the refrigerator and freezer doors on the oppo-
site side.
a) Remove the adjustable stand in the front, as
shown below. Then, install the lower hinge
on the other side of the fridge and tighten the
b) Install the shorter adjustable stand in the front
on the side, where the lower hinge is. By turning
the stand, you can adjust the height on this side
of the appliance until it is levelled out.
Step 5
a) Attach the freezer door, turn the middle hinge
180° and then install it on the opposite side of
the appliance. Attach the middle hinge with the
3 corresponding screws.
b) Attach the refrigerator door and install the upper
hinge on the opposite side of the appliance.
Attach the upper hinge with the 4 corresponding
screws. Also, attach the loop of the ground cable
with one of the four screws. Afterwards, connect
the cable link. Attach the upper hinge cover with
a screw.
c) Install the gap cover on the opposite side of the
appliance and tighten the screw.
Finally, check for the right alignment of the
doors and that they close properly on all sides. If
necessary, adjust the stands in the front for a fully
horizontal positioning of the appliance.
If you have tilted the appliance by more than
30°, please wait 4 hours before you connect the
appliance to the mains supply.
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