Doc Rev 20190913-A
Copyright 2019
BlueSnap DB9-M6A Wireless RS232 Dongle
The DB9-M6A wireless dongle is used to wirelessly enable RS-232 serial port devices using Bluetooth.
The DB9-M6A dongle has a DB9 male connector with pinout like that of a legacy PC RS-232 serial port or
a USB to RS-232 serial port adapter. To connect the M6A to a PC type serial port (also DB9 male) to
transfer data a female-female null-modem adapter is required.
BlueSnap female connector is available for special order with minimum quantity of 100 pieces.
BlueSnap is available with and without a rechargeable battery.
Battery recharge time from empty is less than 2 hours.
To power or and charge the M6A provide 5V regulated power via USB plug cable provided with the M6A,
or apply regulated 5V to DB9 PIN9. The unit typically uses less than 30mA when operating.
To power on M6A press the button until the LED starts to blink, release button.
To power off M6A press the button, LED will blink a short time, blinking will stop, release the button.
DB9-M6A supports baudrates 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 (custom firmware
available for more baudrates with MOQ)
The default baudrate is 115200. To change the baudrate use the yACK BLE app on Android or iOS.
Connect yACK BLE app to M6A and change to command (CMD) mode. For example on Android tap STRM
button, it changes to RCMD.