VPL Assembly Instructions
Ensure you have all 4 boxes on the skid to assemble your vertical platform lift.
(Box #1 - Tower, Box #2 - Ramp, Box #3 - Panels, Box #4 - Platform)
Un-Box #1 - Tower
Carefully un-package the material from Box #1 - Tower.
Move the tower to a location very close to its final position, but still allows you easy
access to all sides of the unit.
Remove the top cover. At the top of the tower, remove 2 x
bolts, one from the left
and one from the right side. Place the top cover and bolts in a location where they will
not be lost or damaged.
Remove the front panel. At the top of the tower, remove 4 x
bolts from the front
panel. Place the front panel and bolts in a location where they will not be lost or
Inside the tower, there are two boxes and the side guide bar. Remove the boxes and
un-package the material. One box is the platform controller box, the other contains
required component assembly hardware. To release the guide bar, cut the two tie wraps
that are securing it to the frame. Remove the guide bar and place in a location where it
will not be damaged.
For AC and DC Units (Steps 6 to 10) [Power Cord Installation]
Inside the tower, release the main cable, by cutting the two tie wraps, which is coiled and
secured to the back side of the frame.
Decide if the power cable plug should be located on the left or right side of the tower. On
the side selected for the cable, insert the cable plug through the large hole on the side
panel at the bottom tower. Pull the cable all the way through the hole.
Attached to the cable is a mounting back plate and strain relief fitting. Mount the back
plate, by holding it up against the inside of the panel. Secure in place from the outside
of the panel using 2 x M5 screws. Tighten the strain relief fitting.
From the hardware kit, mount the spare plate and fitting, to cover the same hole on the
other side panel of the tower, using 2 x M5 screws.
10. Secure the AC cord to the back frame with tie wraps to avoid damage to the cable during
For DC Units Only (Steps 11 to 13)
11. Inside the tower, release the two wires which are coiled and secured to the back side of
the frame by cutting the two tie wraps.